User Stories - sjoyal/iron-pong GitHub Wiki
User Stories
- Visitors can see a cohort leaderboard of players to see who has the most wins #17
- Visitors can see a list of the results for the most recent 10 games played #18
- Visitors can click on a recent game from the recent games list and view details related to that game #19
- Visitors can see a cohort leaderboard of players to see who has the most losses #20
- Visitors can see a cohort leaderboard of players to see who has the highest win percentage #20
- Visitors can see a cohort leaderboard of players to see who has played the most games #20
- Players can see the game results submission page #22
- Players can select players, enter score, enter winner, and enter game summary on the game results submission page #23
- Players can login / authenticate so that they can access the form fields on the game results submission page #21
- A player's authentication persists for set amount of time so that additional navigation and results submission can take place #24
- Players can log out so that they become unauthenticated visitors again #25
- Players can comment on individual game results so that they can talk trash to other players
- A player can update his/her profile with player information so the profile reflects desired bio details
- Visitors can view a players bio so they can understand the challenges in playing that player
- A visitor can create an additional cohort and the associated players to track the results within Iron Pong
- Users can create a bracket (from selection of # of players) to randomly assign seeding during a tournament