2013 Discussion Notes - sjanhunen/dokimazo GitHub Wiki
- Look closely at Adam and Eve w.r.t the Mystery in Eph 5
- Why was Adam created?
- They didn't require marriage to be husband/wife
- How is their husband/wife relationship different
- Distinguish husband/wife from bridegroom/bride
- How does our life in Christ reflect how Eve was taken from Adam?
- How do multiplying and fullness relate?
- Action Items:
- [Stefan/Jeff] Focus on understanding Eph 5 in light of Gen
- [Stefan] Continue to prepare GNT search tool for demo
- Consider these unique aspects of the Mystery
- Col 3:3 - dead and hid
- Eph 1:5 - Adoption unto the Father
- Stuff being done through Christ as head
- Family relationship (Israel) versus the Body relationship
- Eph 3: Knowledge that surpasses knowledge
- Likely not just a figure of speech
- The knowledge of The Mystery, above and beyond other revelations in the Mystery of Christ
- Action Items:
- [Stefan] strip down tag-team presentation to its essence
- [Stefan] resurrect GNT search tool with demo ready for next week
- Amour of God would make a great study topic for group or conference
- Need to clearly understand these words to understand the armour:
- Truth
- Righteousness
- Gospel of Peace
- Faith
- Salvation
- Word
- A future redemption for Israel: Luke 21:28
- Action Items:
- [Both] Review tag-team presentation as a launching point for content
- [Stefan] resurrect GNT search tool with demo ready for next week
- Working Theory: God's Love is targeted
- There are plenty of things God hates in scripture
- What about those that hate God?
- A correct understanding of kosmos is required to understand John 3:16
- Which world 'order' is kosmos referring to?
- This life as preparation for standing for the evil day
- You get several changes to learn your lesson
- But God won't put you where you aren't qualified
- Think how often God numbers things: doesn't he need a specific size of army?
- NOTE: Do a study on how many redemptions are associated with Israel
- 'Submit' in Eph 5 has the battle (and army) from Eph 6 in view
- God numbering his army: Numbers 1:1-3 (one month after tabernacle)
- Is fullness related to getting a full army?
- Eph 2: 'holy temple' as a phrase only shows up here
- Key: all of the Bible is one big plan!
- Are there 22 books in the Old Testament?
- 22 sections of Psalm 119, one for each letter
- 22 books (if they are grouped), one for each letter
- Consider the links between
- Chosen before the overthrow
- Principalities and powers set aside
- Saints judging angles (related to a power structure change?)
- Before the overthrow is significant in the Mystery
- Big deal: whether angels are on the scene or not changes a lot!
- Chain of blessing (from Abraham vs from the Father): make a diagram
- Redemption of the body the hope of the OT saint: is this our hope?
- What's going on with the body and the hope of the OT saint?
- The mirroring in Ephesians between heaven and earth
- What does kingdom mean in Ephesians?
- Blessing and love related closely in Eph 1
- Eph 1:5: adoption is to whom?
- Was Israel ever not under the law?
- What does it mean to be "under the law"?
- Redemption: look at usage in Paul's books
- Purchased possession: what is this? How to translate?
- The Father's Love for the Son
- Think of the Blessing of Issac to Jacob
- Blessing related to the realm
- Question: Does God love sinners without a relationship? Is a relationship required for love?
- Are there gradients in agapae?
- Christ had to earn something and He was up to the task
- Think of Abraham: those that bless/curse you I will bless/curse
- Love, life, hope all flow with a relationship in place (faith)
- Working theory: a relationship required for love
- God laid down His life because wanted those that wanted to be part of this
- What does God hate?
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