DEFS.4.3.MySQL and PostgreSQL - sj50179/IBM-Data-Science-Professional-Certificate GitHub Wiki

MySQL and PostreSQL are two common RDBMS tools for creating and managing relational databases. Both are free and open-source, have download/install and cloud versions, and offer both command-line and desktop and/or web interface options. In this module, you will learn the basics of creating databases and tables, defining keys and constraints in tables, and loading a database with data using MySQL and PostgreSQL. You will also learn how to define views in PostgreSQL to limit access to sensitive data and simplify data retrieval.

Learning Objectives

  • Explain the purpose of the MySQL administration tools.
  • Create databases and tables using MySQL.
  • Load data into a table and export it using MySQL
  • Define keys and constraints using MySQL.
  • Explain the purpose of the PostgreSQL administration tools.
  • Create databases and load them with data using PostgreSQL.
  • Define views and materialized views using PostgreSQL.