DEFS.4.2.1.Creating Tables and Loading Data - sj50179/IBM-Data-Science-Professional-Certificate GitHub Wiki

Types of SQL statements (DDL vs. DML)

DDL (Data Definition Language) statements:

  • Define, change, or drop data
  • Common DDL:
    • CREATE
    • ALTER
    • DROP

DML (Data Manipulation Language) statements:

  • Read and modify data
  • CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update & Delete rows)
  • Common DML:
    • INSERT
    • SELECT
    • UPDATE
    • DELETE

Many Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) have schemas which contain tables, views, functions, and other database objects.

CREATE table

CREATE TABLE table_name
    column_name_1 datatype optional_parameters,
    column_name_2 datatype,
    column_name_n datatype


ALTER TABLE <table_name>
  ADD COLUMN <column_name_1> datatype
  ADD COLUMN <column_name_n> datatype;

DROP TABLE <table_name>;

TRUNCATE TABLE <table_name>

Data Movement Utilities

Scenarios for Data Movement

  • Initially populate the entire database
  • Create a development and testing copy
  • Create a snapshot for disaster recovery
  • Create new table using data from external source/file
  • Add or append data in existing table


  • Backup creates a file for the entire database
  • Restore creates exact copy of the database from file
  • Preserves all database objects and their data:
    • Schema, Tables, Views
    • User Defined Types, Functions, Stored Procedures
    • Constraints, Triggers, Security
  • Backups performed periodically for disaster recovery
  • Create copies of database for development and test


  • Import inserts data from a file into a table
  • Export saves table data into a file
  • Operations available using different interfaces
    • Command Line, API, GUI, Third Party Tools

IMPORT / EXPORT file formats


  • Delimited ASCII, for data exchange among a wide variety of database managers and file managers. Includes CSV.


  • Non-delimited ASCII, for importing or loading data from other applications that create flat text files with aligned column data.


  • PC version of the Integration Exchange Format (IXF)


  • Lately, some databases and third-party tools have also started to support importing and exporting data to and from JSON files.

Import / Export Examples

Db2 Command line:

db2 import from *filename* of *fileformat messages messagesfile* into *table*

db2 export from *filename* of *fileformat messages messagesfile* select * from *table*

LOAD itilities

  • Supports XML, large objects, and user-defined types
  • Faster than the import utility
  • Doesn't perform as many checks
  • Preferred option for loading very large datasets
  • Initiate from command line / API / Visual Tool
  • Command line syntax
db2 load from *filename* of *fileformat messages messagesfile import_mode*
into *table* copy *yes/no* use *tsm* data buffer *pages*


  • Data movement is required for initially populating databases and tables, adding or appending data, and making copies for development test or disaster recovery
  • BACKUP and RESTORE utilities are used to create and recover copies of entire databases including all objects like tables, views, constraints and their data
  • IMPORT utility enables inserting data into a specific table from different formats such as DEL/CSV, ASC and IXF
  • EXPORT utility enables saving data from a specific table into various formats like CSV
  • LOAD utilities enable high performance insertion of data into specified tables and useful for large volumes

Hands-on Lab: Create Tables and Load Data in Db2

Summary & Highlights

At this point in the course, you know:

  • DDL statements, including CREATE, ALTER, TRUNCATE, and DROP, are used for defining objects like tables in a database.
  • DML statements, including INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE, are used for manipulating data in tables.
  • Many Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) have schemas that contain tables, views, functions, and other database objects.
  • Most RDBMS provide a GUI through which you can create and alter the structure of tables.

You can also create and alter tables by using DDL SQL statements:

  • CREATE TABLE. Creates entities (tables) in a relational database and sets the attributes (columns) in a table, including the names of columns, the data types of columns, and constraints (for example, the Primary Key.)
  • ALTER TABLE. Changes the structure of a table by adding or removing columns, modifying the data type of columns, and adding or removing keys and constraints.
  • DROP TABLE. Deletes a table from a database.
  • TRUNCATE TABLE. Removes all rows in a table.

There are utilities that help you to manage the movement of data:

  • You use the BACKUP and RESTORE utilities to create and recover copies of entire databases, including all objects like tables, views, constraints, and data.
  • You use the IMPORT utility to insert data into a specific table from different formats, such as DEL/CSV, ASC and IXF, and the EXPORT utility to save data from a specific table into various formats, such as CSV.
  • You can use the LOAD utilities, instead of INSERT statements, to quickly insert large amounts of data a variety of different data sources into tables.
  • The Load Data utility is a simple to use interface in the Db2 Web Console.

Practice Quiz: Creating Tables and Loading Data


Question 1

True or False: Inserting data with INSERT statements is often not practical for large amounts of data.

  • True
  • False

Correct. The process of inputting the data for each row and then uploading it to the database is not very efficient.

Question 2

Which of the following pieces of information should you gather before you create a table?

  • Whether to allow duplicate values in each column
  • Whether to allow null values in each column
  • The table name
  • All of the above

Correct. Ensure you have all information needed to create the table, table name, if columns have null values or can contain duplicate values.

Question 3

Which of the following data movement scenarios is used for disaster recovery?

  • Initial populating of entire database
  • Create a working copy of the database
  • Add or append data
  • Create a snapshot of the database state

Correct. Creating snapshot of database state at particular instant in time for disaster recovery.

Question 4

Using the CREATE TABLE statement, what is required following the statement?

  • Entities
  • Table_name
  • Primary key
  • Datatypes

Correct. The table name must follow the CREATE TABLE statement.

Question 5

Which of the following common DDL statements can modify data types?

  • DROP

Correct. This statement changes tables including adding and dropping columns and modifying data types.

Graded Quiz: Creating Tables and Loading Data


Question 1

Which of the following four steps for loading data with the Load Data utility involves authenticating to the storage?

  • Target
  • Source
  • Finalize
  • Define

Correct. Identify type and location of source data enter any authentication requirements for that storage type.

Question 2

You create a new table in the COR38310 schema and name it Engineers. What is the fully qualified name for this table?

  • Engineers.COR38310
  • COR38310/Engineers
  • Engineers
  • COR38310.Engineers

Correct. Fully qualified table names have the schema before the table name separated by a dot.

Question 3

Multiple file formats are supported by most databases. Which of the following common formats includes CSV files?

  • JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
  • Non-delimited ASCII (ASC)
  • Delimited ASCII (DEL)
  • PC Integration exchange (PC/IXF)

Correct. A comma separated variable (CSV) file is a form of delimited ASCII file.

Question 4

True or False - The Primary Key uniquely identifies each row in a table.

  • True
  • False

Correct. The Primary Key uniquely identifies each row in a table. It is often implemented as an ID number, or a unique code.

Question 5

What are DML statements sometimes referred to as?

  • CRUD
  • Modifier

Correct. DML statements are sometimes referred to as Create, Read, Update, and Delete.

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