DEFS.4.1.1.Fundamental Relational Database Concepts - sj50179/IBM-Data-Science-Professional-Certificate GitHub Wiki

Information and Data Models


  • Information Models are representations of entities
  • Data Models are more specific and include details
  • The Relational Model allows for data independence
  • Entities are objects like a noun (person, place, or thing), such as a book or an author
  • Attributes are the data elements that characterize the entity

ERDs & Types of Relationship

Building block s of a relationship are:

  • Entities
  • Relationship set
  • Crows foot notations


  • The building blocks of a relationship are entities, relationship sets, and crows foot notations.
  • In a one-to-one relationship, one entity is associated with one and only one instance of another entity. For example, when one book has only one author.
  • In a one-to-many relationship, one entity is associated with one or more instances of another entity. For example, when one book has many authors.
  • In a many to many relationship, many instances of an entity are associated with many instances of another entity. For example, when many authors write many different books.

Mapping Entities to Tables

E-R Diagrams

  • Foundation for designing a database
  • Begin with ERD, and map the ERD to the table
  • Example : Entity Book
    • Entity Book has several attiributes
    • Separate the entity from the attributes
  • To translate an ERD into a relational database table:
    • The entity becomes the table
    • The attributes become columns in the table

Data Types

  1. Character string
    • Fixed length: CHAR(10)
    • Variable length: VARCHAR(20), LONGCHAR
  2. Numeric
    • Integer: INT, SMALLINT, BIGINT
  3. Date/time
    • Date: 2021-12-31
    • Time: 02.11.35
    • Timestamp: 2021-12-31-
  4. Boolean: 0 or 1
  5. Binary string: a sequence of bytes that represent image, voice, or other media data
  6. Large object (LOB): file
  7. XML: can store platform agnostic unstructured data in a hierarchical form
  8. User defined data types (UDTs): are derived or extended from the built in types

Advantage of using data types

  • Data integrity
  • Data sorting
  • Range selection
  • Data calculation
  • Use of standard functions

Relational Model Concepts

  • First proposed in 1970, based on mathematical model and terms
  • Building blocks:
    • Relation
    • Sets
  • Set:
    • Unordered collection of distinct elements
    • Items of same type
    • No order and no duplicates


  • Specifies: name of a relation, name and type of each column (attributes)
AUTHOR(Author_ID: char, lastname: varchar, firstname: varchar, 
       email: varchar, city: varchar, country: char)
  • Relation Instance: a table made up of rows and columns

    • Column = attributes = field
    • Row = tuple
    • Degree = the number of attributes in a relation
    • Cardinality = the number of tuples

    Summary & Highlights

    At this point in the course, you know:

    • The relational model is the most used data model for databases because this model allows for logical data independence, physical data independence, and physical storage independence.
    • Entities are objects that exist independently of any other entities in the database, while attributes are the data elements that characterize the entity.
    • The building blocks of a relationship are entities, relationship sets, and crows foot notations.
    • Relationships can be one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many.
    • When translating an Entity-Relationship Diagram to a relational database table, the entity becomes the table and the attributes become columns in the table.
    • Data types define the type of data that can be stored in a column and can include character strings, numeric values, dates/times, Boolean values and more.
    • The advantages of using the correct data type for a column are data integrity, data sorting, range selection, data calculations, and the of standard functions.
    • In a relational model, a relation is made up of two parts: A relation schema specifying the name of a relation and the attributes and a relation instance, which is a table made up of the attributes, or columns, and the tuples, or rows.
    • Degree refers to the number of attributes, or columns, in a relation.
    • Cardinality refers to the number of tuples, or rows in a relation.

    Practice Quiz: Fundamental Relational Database Concepts


    Question 1

    Which of the following statements about Data models is correct?

    • A Data model defines the relationships between objects.
    • A Data model describes information at a conceptual level.
    • A Data model is and abstract, formal representation of entities.
    • A Data model is the blueprint of any database system.

    Correct. A data model is the blueprint of any database system.

    Question 2

    Which two types of relationship does Crows foot notation represent ?

    • One-to-many
    • Multiple primary
    • Many-to-many
    • One-to-one

    Correct. Crows foot notation can be used to represent many-to-many relationships, such as many books being written by many authors.

    Question 3

    Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) are the foundation for designing databases. After creating an ERD, what is the first step you must take to map the ERD to the table?

    • Arrange the attributes by importance
    • List the attributes alphabetically
    • Separate the entity from the attributes
    • None of the above

    Correct. Separating the entity from the attributes helps clarify the table (entity) and the columns (attribites).

    Question 4

    Which of the following are advantages of using data types?

    • Auto-correct
    • Data sorting
    • Use of standard functions like AVG(), MIN(), MAX(), and SUM().
    • Range selection


    Question 5

    What are the building blocks of the Relational Model?

    • Mathematical model and terms
    • Index and Elements
    • Collections and Items
    • Relations and sets

    Correct. Building block of Relational Models are: Relations and Sets.

    Graded Quiz: Fundamental Relational Database Concepts


    Question 1

    Data can be classified by the level and rigidity of its structure. Which data type is often stored in NoSQL databases?

    • Structured data
    • Unstructured data
    • Regulated data
    • Semi-structured data

    Correct. This data can’t be organized into tabular format in relational databases.

    Question 2

    Which of the following is a type of Information models?

    • Hierarchical
    • Organization
    • Root
    • Tree

    Correct. The most familiar type of Information models is the Hierarchical.

    Question 3

    True or False - In an Entity-Relationship diagram, attributes are connected to multiple entities.

    • True
    • False

    Correct. Attributes are connected to exactly one entity.

    Question 4

    When creating a table from an ERD, the entity becomes the table. What do the attributes become?

    • Cells
    • Rows
    • Columns
    • All of the above

    Correct. Each attribute translates into a column in the table.

    Question 5

    Which data type only holds 1 bit of information; a 0 or a 1?

    • LOB
    • XML
    • Boolean
    • Binary string

    Correct. Only holds 1 bit of information, 0 or 1.