9.5.2.Collaborative Filtering - sj50179/IBM-Data-Science-Professional-Certificate GitHub Wiki

Collaborative filtering

  • User-based collaborative filtering

    • Based on users' neighborhood


  • Item-based collaborative filtering

    • Based on items' similarity

Learning the similarity weights

The first step is to discover how similar the active user is to the other users. How do we do this? Well, this can be done through several different statistical and vectorial techniques such as distance or similarity measurements including Euclidean Distance, Pearson Correlation, Cosine Similarity, and so on. To calculate the level of similarity between two users, we use the three movies that both the users have rated in the past.


Regardless of what we use for similarity measurement, let's say for example, the similarity could be 0.7, 0.9, and 0.4 between the active user and other users. These numbers represent similarity weights or proximity of the active user to other users in the dataset.

Creating the weighted ratings matrix

The next step is to create a weighted rating matrix. We just calculated the similarity of users to our active user in the previous part. Now, we can use it to calculate the possible opinion of the active user about our two target movies. This is achieved by multiplying the similarity weights to the user ratings.


It results in a weighted ratings matrix, which represents the user's neighbors opinion about are two candidate movies for recommendation. In fact, it incorporates the behavior of other users and gives more weight to the ratings of those users who are more similar to the active user. Now, we can generate the recommendation matrix by aggregating all of the weighted rates. However, as three users rated the first potential movie and two users rated the second movie, we have to normalize the weighted rating values. We do this by dividing it by the sum of the similarity index for users. The result is the potential rating that our active user will give to these movies based on her similarity to other users. It is obvious that we can use it to rank the movies for providing recommendation to our active user.

Now, we can generate the recommendation matrix by aggregating all of the weighted rates. However, as three users rated the first potential movie and two users rated the second movie, we have to normalize the weighted rating values.


We do this by dividing it by the sum of the similarity index for users. The result is the potential rating that our active user will give to these movies based on her similarity to other users. It is obvious that we can use it to rank the movies for providing recommendation to our active user.

Collaborative filtering

  • User-based approach

    In the user-based approach, the recommendation is based on users of the same neighborhood with whom he or she shares common preferences. For example, as User 1 and User 3 both liked Item 3 and Item 4, we consider them as similar or neighbor users, and recommend Item 1 which is positively rated by User 1 to User 3.


  • Item-based approach

    In the item-based approach, similar items build neighborhoods on the behavior of users. Please note however, that it is not based on their contents. For example, Item 1 and Item 3 are considered neighbors as they were positively rated by both User 1 and User 2. So, Item 1 can be recommended to User 3 as he has already shown interest in Item 3. Therefore, the recommendations here are based on the items in the neighborhood that a user might prefer.


Challenges of collaborative filtering

  • Data Sparsity
    • Users in general rate only a limited number of items
  • Cold Start
    • Difficulty in recommendation to new users or new items
  • Scalability
    • Increase in number of users or items