9.3.3.Logistic Regression - sj50179/IBM-Data-Science-Professional-Certificate GitHub Wiki

Intro to Logistic Regression

  • What is logistic regression?
  • What kind of problems can be solved by logistic regression?
  • In which situations do we use logistic regression?

What is logistic regression?

Logistic regression is a classification algorithm for categorical variables.

Let's say we have a telecommunication dataset that we'd like to analyze in order to understand which customers might leave us next month.


This is historical customer data where each row represents one customer. Imagine that you're an analyst at this company and you have to find out who is leaving and why? You'll use the dataset to build a model based on historical records and use it to predict the future churn within the customer group. The dataset includes information about services that each customer has signed up for, customer account information, demographic information about customers like gender and age range and also customers who've left the company within the last month. The column is called churn. We can use logistic regression to build a model for predicting customer churn using the given features.

In logistic regression, we use one or more independent variables such as tenure, age, and income to predict an outcome, such as churn, which we call the dependent variable representing whether or not customers will stop using the service. Logistic regression is analogous to linear regression but tries to predict a categorical or discrete target field instead of a numeric one.

In linear regression, we might try to predict a continuous value of variables such as the price of a house, blood pressure of a patient, or fuel consumption of a car.

But in logistic regression, we predict a variable which is binary such as yes/no, true/false, successful or not successful, pregnant/not pregnant, and so on, all of which can be coded as zero or one.

In logistic regression independent variables should be continuous. If categorical, they should be dummy or indicator coded. This means we have to transform them to some continuous value.

Logistic regression applications

  • Predicting the probability of a person having a heart attack
  • Predicting the mortality in injured patients
  • Predicting a customer's propensity to purchase a product or halt a subscription
  • Predicting the probability of failure of a given process or product
  • Predicting the likelihood of a homeowner defaulting on a mortgage

When is logistic regression suitable?

  • If your data is binary
    • 0/1, YES/NO, TRUE/FALSE
  • If you need probabilistic results
  • When you need a linear decision boundary
  • If you need to understand the impact of a feature


Which of the following sentences are TRUE about Logistic Regression?

  • Logistic regression is analogous to linear regression but takes a categorical/discrete target field instead of a numeric one.
  • Logistic Regression measures the probability of a case belonging to a specific class.
  • Logistic Regression can be used to understand the impact of a feature on a dependent variable.


Building a model for customer churn

Let's look at our dataset again. We defined the independent variables as X and dependent variable as Y. Notice, that for the sake of simplicity we can code the target or dependent values to zero or one. The goal of logistic regression is to build a model to predict the class of each sample which in this case is a customer, as well as the probability of each sample belonging to a class. Given that, let's start to formalize the problem. X is our dataset in the space of real numbers of m by n. That is, of m dimensions or features and n records, and Y is the class that we want to predict, which can be either zero or one. Ideally, a logistic regression model, so-called Y hat, can predict that the class of the customer is one, given its features X. It can also be shown quite easily that the probability of a customer being in class zero can be calculated as one minus the probability that the class of the customer is one.

Logistic regression vs Linear regression

Let's look at the telecommunication dataset again. The goal of logistic regression is to build a model to predict the class of each customer and also the probability of each sample belonging to a class. Ideally, we want to build a model, y hat, that can estimate that the class of a customer is one given its feature is x. I want to emphasize that y is the label's vector, also called actual values, that we would like to predict, and y hat is the vector of the predicted values by our model. Mapping the class labels to integer numbers, can we use linear regression to solve this problem?

Predicting customer income

Let's recall how linear regression works to better understand logistic regression. Forget about the churn prediction for a minute and assume our goal is to predict the income of customers in the dataset. This means that instead of predicting churn, which is a categorical value, let's predict income, which is a continuous value. So, how can we do this? Let's select an independent variable such as customer age and predict the dependent variable such as income. Of course, we can have more features but for the sake of simplicity, let's just take one feature here. We can plot it and show age as an independent variable and income as the target value we would like to predict.

With linear regression, you can fit a line or polynomial through the data. We can find this line through training our model or calculating it mathematically based on the sample sets. We'll say, this is a straight line through the sample set. This line has an equation shown as a plus bx1. Now, use this line to predict the continuous value, y. That is, use this line to predict the income of an unknown customer based on his or her age, and it is done.

Predicting churn using linear regression

What if we want to predict churn? Can we use the same technique to predict a categorical field such as churn? Okay, let's see. Say, we're given data on customer churn and our goal this time is to predict the churn of customers based on their age. We have a feature, age denoted as x1, and a categorical feature, churn, with two classes, churn is yes and churn is no. As mentioned, we can map yes and no to integer values zero and one.


How can we model it now? Well, graphically, we could represent our data with a scatterplot, but this time, we have only two values for the y-axis. In this plot, class zero is denoted in red, and class one is denoted in blue. Our goal here is to make a model based on existing data to predict if a new customer is red or blue.

Let's do the same technique that we used for linear regression here to see if we can solve the problem for a categorical attribute such as churn. With linear regression, you again can fit a polynomial through the data, which is shown traditionally as a plus bx. This polynomial can also be shown traditionally as Theta0 plus Theta1 x1. This line has two parameters which are shown with vector Theta where the values of the vector are Theta0 and Theta1.


We can also show the equation of this line formally as Theta transpose x.

Generally, we can show the equation for a multidimensional space as Theta transpose x, where Theta is the parameters of the line in two-dimensional space or parameters of a plane in three-dimensional space, and so on.

As Theta is a vector of parameters and is supposed to be multiplied by x, it is shown conventionally as transpose Theta. Theta is also called the weights factor or confidences of the equation, with both these terms used interchangeably,

and X is the feature set which represents a customer.

Anyway, given a dataset, all the feature sets x Theta parameters can be calculated through an optimization algorithm or mathematically, which results in the equation of the fitting line.

Linear regression in classification problem?

Now, we can use this regression line to predict the churn of a new customer.

For example, for our customer or, let's say, a data point with x value of age equals 13, we can plug the value into the line formula, and the y value is calculated and returns a number. For instance, for p1 point, we have Theta transpose x equals minus 1 plus 0.1 times x1, equals minus 1 plus 0.1 times 13, equals 0.3.

We can show it on our graph. Now, we can define a threshold here. For example, at 0.5 to define the class.


So, we write a rule here for our model, y hat, which allows us to separate class zero from class one. If the value of Theta transpose x is less than 0.5, then the class is zero. Otherwise, if the value of Theta transpose x is more than 0.5, then the class is one,

and because our customers y value is less than the threshold, we can say it belongs to class zero based on our model.

But there is one problem here. What is the probability that this customer belongs to class zero? As you can see, it's not the best model to solve this problem. Also, there are some other issues which verify that linear regression is not the proper method for classification problems.

The problem with using linear regression


So, as mentioned, if we use the regression line to calculate the class of a point, it always returns a number such as three or negative two, and so on. Then, we should use a threshold, for example, 0.5, to assign that point to either class of zero or one. This threshold works as a step function that outputs zero or one regardless of how big or small, positive or negative the input is. So, using the threshold, we can find the class of a record. Notice that in the step function, no matter how big the value is, as long as it's greater than 0.5, it simply equals one and vice versa. Regardless of how small the value y is, the output would be zero if it is less than 0.5. In other words, there is no difference between a customer who has a value of one or 1,000. The outcome would be one. Instead of having this step function, wouldn't it be nice if we had a smoother line, one that would project these values between zero and one? Indeed, the existing method does not really give us the probability of a customer belonging to a class, which is very desirable. We need a method that can give us the probability of falling in the class as well.

So, what is the scientific solution here?

Well, if instead of using Theta transpose x, we use a specific function called sigmoid, then sigmoid of Theta transpose x gives us the probability of a point belonging to a class instead of the value of y directly.

Instead of calculating the value of Theta transpose x directly, it returns the probability that a Theta transpose x is very big or very small. It always returns a value between 0 and 1, depending on how large the Theta transpose x actually is.


Now, our model is sigmoid of Theta transpose x, which represents the probability that the output is 1 given x. Now, the question is, what is the sigmoid function?

Sigmoid function in logistic regression

  • Logistic Function: The sigmoid function, also called the logistic function, resembles the step function and is used by the following expression in the logistic regression.

Notice that in the sigmoid equation, when Theta transpose x gets very big, the e power minus Theta transpose x in the denominator of the fraction becomes almost 0, and the value of the sigmoid function gets closer to 1.

If Theta transpose x is very small, the sigmoid function gets closer to 0. Depicting on the in sigmoid plot, when Theta transpose x gets bigger, the value of the sigmoid function gets closer to 1, and also, if the Theta transpose x is very small, the sigmoid function gets closer to 0. So, the sigmoid functions output is always between 0 and 1, which makes it proper to interpret the results as probabilities. It is obvious that when the outcome of the sigmoid function gets closer to 1, the probability of y equals 1 given x goes up. In contrast, when the sigmoid value is closer to 0, the probability of y equals 1 given x is very small.


Clarification of the customer churn model

  • What is the output of our model?

In logistic regression, we model the probability that an input, x, belongs to the default class y equals 1, and we can write this formally as probability of y equals 1 given x.

  • P(Y=1|X)

We can also write probability of y belongs to class 0 given x is 1 minus probability of y equals 1 given x.

  • P(y=0|X) = 1 - P(y=1|x)

For example, the probability of a customer staying with the company can be shown as probability of churn equals 1 given a customer's income and age, which can be, for instance, 0.8, and the probability of churn is 0 for the same customer given a customer's income and age can be calculated as 1 minus 0.8 equals 0.2.

  • P(Churn=1|income, age)=0.8
  • P(Churn=0|income, age)=1 - 0.8 = 0.2

So, now our job is to train the model to set its parameter values in such a way that our model is a good estimate of probability of y equals 1 given x. In fact, this is what a good classifier model built by logistic regression is supposed to do for us.

Also, it should be a good estimate of probability of y belongs to class 0 given x that can be shown as 1 minus sigmoid of Theta transpose x.

The training process


What is difference between Linear Regression vs Logistic Regression, in solving a classification problem?

  • Linear Regression cannot properly measure the probability of a case belonging to a class.
  • Linear Regression is very slow in estimating the parameters of the model
  • Linear Regression cannot handle large datasets.


Logistic Regression Training

General cost function

The main objective of training and logistic regression is to change the parameters of the model, so as to be the best estimation of the labels of the samples in the dataset. For example, the customer churn. How do we do that? In brief, first we have to look at the cost function, and see what the relation is between the cost function and the parameters theta. So, we should formulate the cost function. Then, using the derivative of the cost function we can find how to change the parameters to reduce the cost or rather the error. Let's dive into it to see how it works.

  • Change the weight → Reduce the cost
  • Cost function

Plotting the cost function of the model

  • Model
  • Actual Value y=1 or 0
    • When y=1 is desirable
  • If Y=1, and =1 → cost = 0
  • If Y=1, and =0 → cost = large


Logistic regression cost function

  • Replace cost function with:

Minimizing the cost function of the model

  • How to find the best parameters for our model?
    • Minimize the cost function
  • How to minimize the cost function?
    • Using Gradient Descent
  • What is gradient descent?
  • A technique to use the derivative of a cost function to change the parameter values, in order to minimize the cost

Using gradient descent to minimize the cost

The main objective of gradient descent is to change the parameter values so as to minimize the cost. How can gradient descent do that? Think of the parameters or weights in our model to be in a two-dimensional space. For example, theta one, theta two for two feature sets, age and income. Recall the cost function, J. We need to minimize the cost function J which is a function of variables theta one and theta two. So, let's add a dimension for the observed cost, or error, J function.

Let's assume that if we plot the cost function based on all possible values of theta one, theta two, we can see something like this. It represents the error value for different values of parameters, that is error which is a function of the parameters. This is called your error curve or error bowl of your cost function. Recall that we want to use this error bowl to find the best parameter values that result in minimizing the cost value.

Now, the question is, which point is the best point for your cost function? Yes, you should try to minimize your position on the error curve. So, what should you do? You have to find the minimum value of the cost by changing the parameters. But which way? Will you add some value to your weights or deduct some value? And how much would that value be? You can select random parameter values that locate a point on the bowl. You can think of our starting point being the yellow point. You change the parameters by delta theta one and delta theta two, and take one step on the surface.

Let's assume we go down one step in the bowl. As long as we are going downwards we can go one more step. The steeper the slope the further we can step, and we can keep taking steps. As we approach the lowest point the slope diminishes, so we can take smaller steps until we reach a flat surface. This is the minimum point of our curve and the optimum theta one, theta two. What are these steps really? I mean in which direction should we take these steps to make sure we descend, and how big should the steps be? To find the direction and size of these steps, in other words to find how to update the parameters, you should calculate the gradient of the cost function at that point. The gradient is the slope of the surface at every point and the direction of the gradient is the direction of the greatest uphill.

Now, the question is, how do we calculate the gradient of a cost function at a point? If you select a random point on this surface, for example the yellow point, and take the partial derivative of J of theta with respect to each parameter at that point, it gives you the slope of the move for each parameter at that point.

Now, if we move in the opposite direction of that slope, it guarantees that we go down in the error curve. For example, if we calculate the derivative of J with respect to theta one, we find out that it is a positive number. This indicates that function is increasing as theta one increases. So, to decrease J we should move in the opposite direction. This means to move in the direction of the negative derivative for theta one, i.e. slope. We have to calculate it for other parameters as well at each step. The gradient value also indicates how big of a step to take. If the slope is large we should take a large step because we are far from the minimum. If the slope is small we should take a smaller step. Gradient descent takes increasingly smaller steps towards the minimum with each iteration.


The partial derivative of the cost function J is calculated using this expression. If you want to know how the derivative of the J function is calculated, you need to know the derivative concept which is beyond our scope here. But to be honest you don't really need to remember all the details about it as you can easily use this equation to calculate the gradients. So, in a nutshell, this equation returns the slope of that point and we should update the parameter in the opposite direction of the slope.

A vector of all these slopes is the gradient vector, and we can use this vector to change or update all the parameters.

We take the previous values of the parameters and subtract the error derivative. This results in the new parameters for theta that we know will decrease the cost. Also we multiply the gradient value by a constant value mu, which is called the learning rate. Learning rate, gives us additional control on how fast we move on the surface.

In sum, we can simply say, gradient descent is like taking steps in the current direction of the slope, and the learning rate is like the length of the step you take. So, these would be our new parameters. Notice that it's an iterative operation and in each iteration we update the parameters and minimize the cost until the algorithm converge is on an acceptable minimum.


What is "gradient descent" in training process?

  • A technique to use derivative of a cost function to change the parameter values, to minimize the cost.
  • A technique to calculate the cost of logistic regression.
  • A technique to initialize the parameters in training process.


Training algorithm recap