3.2.2.Quiz_From Modeling to Evaluation - sj50179/IBM-Data-Science-Professional-Certificate GitHub Wiki


Question 1

A training set is used for descriptive modeling.



Question 2

Which of the following is correct, in the context of congestive heart failure readmission?

A false-negative is when a true readmission is misclassified. If no action is taken to reduce the risk, then the cost of the misclassification is the readmission and all the associated costs, plus the trauma to the patient. This is also called a type I error.

A false-positive is when a true, non-readmission is misclassified. If action is taken to reduce the patient's risk, the cost of the misclassification is the wasted intervention. This is also called a type II error.

A false-positive is when a true, non-readmission is misclassified. If action is taken to reduce the patient's risk, the cost of the misclassification is the wasted intervention. This is also called a type I error.

A false-positive is when a true readmission is misclassified. If no action is taken to reduce the risk, then the cost of the misclassification is the readmission and all the associated costs, plus the trauma to the patient. This is also called a type II error.


Question 3

Which statement best describes the Modeling Stage of the data science methodology?

0 / 1 point

The Modeling stage is followed by the Analytic Approach stage.

Modeling is always based on predictive models.

Modeling always uses training and test sets.

Modeling may require testing multiple algorithms and parameters.


Incorrect. The Modeling stage is followed by the Model Evaluation stage.

Question 4

Model Evaluation includes ensuring that the data are properly handled and interpreted.



Question 5

Select the correct statements about the ROC curve.

1 / 1 point

  • By plotting the true-positive rate against the false-positive rate for different values of the relative misclassification cost, the ROC curve can be used to select the optimal model.


  • ROC stands for Receiver Operating Characteristic curve, which was originally developed to detect enemy aircrafts on radar.


  • The ROC curve was originally developed to optimize healthcare and detect congestive heart failure readmission rate.
  • The ROC curve is a useful diagnostic tool for determining the optimal classification model.



Question 1

Select the correct statement.

A training set is used for predictive modeling.

A training set is used for statistical analysis.

A training set is used for data visualization.

A training set is used for descriptive modeling.


Question 2

Which of the following is correct, in the context of congestive heart failure readmission?

A false-positive is when a true, non-readmission is misclassified. If action is taken to reduce the patient's risk, the cost of the misclassification is the wasted intervention. This is also called a type II error.

A false-positive is when a true, non-readmission is misclassified. If action is taken to reduce the patient's risk, the cost of the misclassification is the wasted intervention. This is also called a type I error.

A false-positive is when a true readmission is misclassified. If no action is taken to reduce the risk, then the cost of the misclassification is the readmission and all the associated costs, plus the trauma to the patient. This is also called a type II error.

A false-negative is when a true readmission is misclassified. If no action is taken to reduce the risk, then the cost of the misclassification is the readmission and all the associated costs, plus the trauma to the patient. This is also called a type I error.


Question 3

The Modeling stage is followed by the Analytic Approach stage.



Question 4

Select the correct statement(s) about the Model Evaluation stage of the data science methodology.

0.75 / 1 point

  • Model Evaluation includes ensuring that the model is working as intended.



  • Model Evaluation includes ensuring the model is designed as intended.



  • Model Evaluation includes ensuring that the data are properly handled and interpreted.



  • Model Evaluation cannot include statistical significance testing.

This should not be selected

Incorrect. Model Evaluation can include statistical significance testing.

Question 5

The ROC curve is a useful diagnostic tool for determining the optimal classification model.

