1.1.2.Quiz - sj50179/IBM-Data-Science-Professional-Certificate GitHub Wiki

Question 1

Hal Varian, the chief economist at Google, declared that "the sexy job in the next ten years will be ___________________".



Computer Scientists.


Question 2

The author defines a data scientist as someone who finds solutions to problems by analyzing data using appropriate tool and then tells stories to communicate their finding to the relevant stakeholders.


Question 3

According to the reading, the author defines data science as the art of uncovering the hidden secrets in data.


The author defines data science as what data scientists do.

Question 4

What is admirable about Dr. Patil’s definition of a data scientist is that it limits data science to activities involving machine learning.


What is admirable about his definition is that it does not limit data science to activities involving machine learning.

Question 5

According to the reading, what characteristics are said to be exhibited by the best data scientists?

Really curious people who ask good questions.

Really curious engineers and statisticians.

Curious individuals who ask good questions and are O.K. dealing with unstructured situations.

Really curious people who ask good questions and have at least 10 years of experience.

Thinkers who are really curious and hold a Ph.D.