4.1.4.Weekly challenge 1 - sj50179/Google-Data-Analytics-Professional-Certificate GitHub Wiki


Question 1

Fill in the blank: If a data analyst is using data that has been _____, the data will lack integrity and the analysis will be faulty.

  • compromised
  • wide
  • public
  • clean

Correct. If a data analyst is using data that has been compromised, the data will lack integrity and the analysis will be faulty.

Question 2

A financial analyst imports a dataset to their computer from a storage device. As itโ€™s being imported, the connection is interrupted, which compromises the data. Which of the following processes caused the compromise?

  • Data transfer
  • Data gathering
  • Data analysis
  • Data manipulation

Correct. Data transfer caused the compromise. When a data transfer is interrupted, it can result in an incomplete dataset.

Question 3

A data analyst is given a dataset for analysis. It includes data about the total population of every country in the previous 20 years. Which of the following questions can the analyst use this dataset to address? Select all that apply.

  • What was the average population of a certain country from 2015 through 2020?
  • What was the reason for the population increase in a certain country?
  • What was the difference in population between two specific countries in 2018?
  • What was the effect of migration on the population of a certain country?

Correct. The analyst could use the dataset to find the average population of a certain country from 2015 through 2020 and the difference in population between two specific countries in 2018.

Question 4

A data analyst is given a dataset for analysis.

The analyst notices a limitation with the data in rows 8 and 9. What is the limitation?

  • Row 8 and row 9 show the wrong currency.
  • Row 8 is not in the correct format.
  • Row 9 needs more data.
  • Row 9 is a duplicate of row 8.

Correct. Row 9 is a duplicate of row 8. Duplicate data is a limitation because it will lead to faulty analysis.

Question 5

A data analyst at a software company wants to learn more about industry competitors. Because the software industry has more mergers than any other field, the companies and their products are constantly evolving. The analyst has a dataset from three years ago, and they notice that many of the companies and products in the dataset have changed. What makes the analyst decide that the data is insufficient, so they should generate fresh data instead?

  • It is data that keeps updating
  • It is data from only one source
  • It is outdated data
  • It is geographically limited data

Correct. This example describes outdated data, which is insufficient. If a dataset is outdated, that means the data is old and probably no longer relevant.

Question 6

In the data analysis process, how does a sample relate to a population?

  • A sample is a duplicate selection of data that is taken from the population.
  • A sample is an average of all the data that represents the population.
  • A sample is an ideal example taken from a population.
  • A sample is a part of a population that is representative of the population.

Correct. A sample relates to a population by representing a population at a smaller scale.

Question 7

A restaurant gathers data about a new dish by providing free samples to parties of six or more diners. What does this scenario describe?

  • Sampling bias
  • Random sampling
  • Geographically limited sampling
  • Unbiased sampling

Correct. This scenario describes sampling bias because parties of six or more are not representative of the population as a whole.

Question 8

Data and business objectives might not align for a number of reasons. Which of the following issues can prevent alignment? Select all that apply.

  • Insufficient data
  • Data integrity
  • Data visualization
  • Sampling bias

Correct. Insufficient data and sampling bias can prevent alignment.