Setup Neo4J - sitcomlab/IPED-Toolkit GitHub Wiki

Table of Contents

  1. Preparation (Java)
  2. Installing Neo4J
  3. Configurate the Neo4J-Server

1. Preparation (Java)

  • Login in to your server
  • We make use of Oracle Java (Source: )
  • First, you have to update the server:
    sudo apt-get update
  • Because there is a problem with the "add-apt-repository: command not found" we have to install a little package:
    sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
  • The next step is to add the Java Repository
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
  • Update the package-list:
    sudo apt-get update
  • Then install Java:
    sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer
  • Finally check if everything is okay
    java -version
  • and
    javac -version

2. Installing Neo4J

  • Source:
  • At first you have to download the latest version of Neo4J on your local computer. Go to
  • Upload the .tar(.gz)-file via FTP to the server
  • Unzip the .tar-file with the command:
    tar -cf <filename>
  • Or unzip the .tar.gz-file with the command:
    tar -xzf <filename>
  • After that, change to the directory
  • Install Neo4J with the command
    sudo ./bin/neo4j-installer install
  • Check the status with the command
    sudo service neo4j-service status
  • If the databse isn't already running, start it with
    sudo service neo4j-service start
  • If you want to stop the service use the command
    sudo service neo4j-service stop


# start root shell
sudo -s
# Import our signing key
wget -O - | apt-key add - 
# Create an Apt sources.list file
echo 'deb stable/' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/neo4j.list
# Find out about the files in our repository
apt-get update
# Install Neo4j, community edition
apt-get install neo4j
# start neo4j server, available at http://localhost:7474 of the target machine
neo4j start

3. Configurate the Neo4J-Server

# http port (for all data, administrative, and UI access)

#let the webserver only listen on the specified IP. Default
#is localhost (only accept local connections). Uncomment to allow
#any connection.
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