Trello Configuration - sitMCella/toggl-trello-kpi GitHub Wiki

The application has an integration with Trello for retrieving the cards and the labels for each card.

Create a Trello Board

After logging in Trello, the first step of the configuration is the creation of a new Trello Board. The Trello Board can be placed in a new Workspace or in an existent Workspace.

Create and Configure the Cards

After the creation of the Trello Board, you can start creating the Cards. The following is an example of a Trello Board with some Cards:

Trello Board

Each card must have the following label types:

  • Project
  • Customer
  • Team
  • Type

Each one of the label type is defined by one or more labels grouped by colour. You can use one or more colours for each label type.

The following is an example of Card and labels:

Trello Board

The following is another example of Card and labels. Notice that the colour of the "Type" label is blue in this second example:

Trello Board

Configure the application

The file configuration/settings.yml contains the application configurations.

Configure the Trello Keys

Generate the Trello App Key from the web page:

Add the Trello App Key to the property "TRELLO_APP_KEY" in configuration/settings.yml.

Generate the API Token for the application from the web page.<Trello_App_Key>&name=my_api_key&expiration=30days&response_type=token

Add the Trello API Token to the property "TRELLO_API_TOKEN" in configuration/settings.yml.

Run the following curl command to test the REST API call.

curl -H "accept: application/json" -X GET "{Trello_App_Key}&token={Trello_Token}" | jq '.'

Run the following curl command in order to retrieve the list of boards from Trello.

curl -H "accept: application/json" -X GET ",url&key={Trello_App_Key}&token={Trello_Token}" | jq '.'

Get the ID of the Board from the output of the last curl command.

Add the Board ID to the property "TRELLO_BOARD_ID" in configuration/settings.yml.

Configure the Trello Labels

Add the Trello Card label colors to the corresponding properties in configuration/settings.yml. For example: