DropDown Component - sirthxalot/vue-foundation-components GitHub Wiki

Dropdown panes are little happy sprites which can be revealed on click or hover.


A simple dropdown needs to have just a text="" attribute and your content:

<dropdown text="DropDown">
Wow awesome I am droping like its hot!

You can put into your dropdown what ever you want. Heres an example of a dropdown containing a form:

<dropdown text="A dropdown - form example" data-auto-focus="true">
  Example form in a dropdown.
    <div class="row">
      <div class="medium-6 columns">
          <input type="text" placeholder="Kirk, James T.">
      <div class="medium-6 columns">
          <input type="text" placeholder="Captain">


May you have noticed that I am using the data-auto-focus="true" within my form example. Well this allows to use autofocus within your dropdown, which is pretty damn cool.


By default, a dropdown anchors below the button that opened it. Add the position="" attribute to the dropdown to change this behaviour:

<dropdown text="Top DropDown" position="top">I am on the top!</dropdown>
<dropdown text="Right DropDown" position="right">I am on the right!</dropdown>
<dropdown text="Left DropDown" position="left">I am on the left!</dropdown>
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