raintime - sinotec2/CAMx_utility GitHub Wiki
The purpose of this program is to distinguish the local weather being rainy or not, to serve as the basis for further processing of the CAMx deposition, such as calculation the total deposition amounts when it rains. The program reads variable RAINW_GpM3 from the hourly .cr file (CAMx cloud and rain file), used it to determine whether the local rainfall is greater than 0.1 g/M3 for every the hours. The output of program is a two-dimensional integer (2Drain_flag) matrix, also in CAMx (UAM) file format, which can be used as the debug purpose for simulations, and also can be used as a reasonable and auxiliary instructions of the simulated deposition.
File manipulation
Including three-dimensional cloud file (yymmDx.cr), and 3-dimensional meteorological elements file (yymmDx.3d), to read the grid height distribution (ZGRID_M), as integration purposes.
raintime ROOT.cr (there should be both ROOT.3d file in the working directory, too)
Result files
[ Raintime
] (https://github.com/sinotec2/CAMx_utility/blob/master/raintime.f) will produce the results of a file, which name is ROOT.crF, is also in [CAMx (UAM)] (https://github.com/sinotec2/camxruns/wiki/CAMx(UAM)%E7%9A%84%E6%AA%94%E6%A1%88%E6%A0%BC%E5%BC%8F) file format.
Usage examples
[Kuang @ master mm09] $ pwd
[Kuang @ master mm09] $ ls -lhS 1009d2*
-rw-rw-r-- 2 kuang kuang 1.1G Apr 2 11:14 1009d2.3d
-rw-rw-r-- 2 kuang kuang 877M Apr 2 11:14 1009d2.cr
-rw-rw-r-- 2 kuang kuang 176M Apr 2 11:14 1009d2.kv
-rw-rw-r-- 2 kuang kuang 176M Apr 2 11:14 1009d2.wa
-rw-rw-r-- 2 kuang kuang 59M Apr 2 11:14 1009d2.2d
-rw-rw-r-- 2 kuang kuang 449K Apr 2 10:53 1009d2.lu
[Kuang @ master mm09] $ [raintime
] (https://github.com/sinotec2/CAMx_utility/blob/master/raintime.f) 1009d2.cr
[Kuang @ master mm09] $ [ pick
] (https://github.com/sinotec2/CAMx_utility/blob/master/pick.f) 1009d2.crF
BEG & END jules: 10243 10273
BEG & END dates: 100831 100930
BEG & END times: 20 23
120.9900 23.61000 0 -877500.0 -877500.0
27000.00 27000.00
120.9900 23.61000 0 -877500.0 -877500.0
27000.00 27000.00 656 512
0 10.00000 40.00000 0.0000000E + 00
The current version [raintime.f] (https://github.com/sinotec2/CAMx_utility/blob/master/raintime.f) has been edited in parallelized formulation.
General speaking, the definition of the duration for acid depositions does not distinguish whether it rains or not, but calculated from the viewpoint of total time.