mxavrg - sinotec2/CAMx_utility GitHub Wiki

Obtaining the maximum of CAMx simulation result, among the time and 3D spatial dimensions。 
In the spatial dimension, the program will take the 98% maximum accordance to the regulation. On the other hand, the maximum of spatial will not take 98%, and is simply the 100% maximum.


mxavrg FILE    

Result files

The result of mxavrgexcution will get two files: the first is FILEM, also a CAMx(UAM) formatted file,
and FILEM98.dat a print-out of each species maximum, and the maximum occurrence time.

Usage examples

[kuang@master con09]$ pick 1009_bs.S.grd02
BEG & END jules: 10243 10273
BEG & END dates: 100831 100930
BEG & END times: 20 20
120.9900 23.61000 0 -124500.0 -205500.0
3000.000 3000.000
120.9900 23.61000 0 -124500.0 -205500.0
3000.000 3000.000 83 137 1 2
0 10.00000 40.00000 0.0000000E+00
1O3 2NO2 3SO2 4VOC 5PM25 6PM10 7PNO3 8PSO4
[kuang@master con09]$ mxavrg 1009_bs.S.grd02
normal end
10243 20.00000 10273 20.00000
1O3 150.304
2NO2 187.570
3SO2 216.362
4VOC 1090.894
5PM25 173.248
6PM10 224.399
7PNO3 48.910
8PSO4 52.877
[kuang@node01 con09]$ lst
-rw-rw-r-- 1 kuang kuang 2.4K Aug 31 09:11 1009_bs.S.grd02M98.dat
-rw-rw-r-- 1 kuang kuang 357K Aug 31 09:11 1009_bs.S.grd02M


The current version of [mavrg.f] ( has been edited in parallelized formulation.


####1.About the length of data time
The program will calculate the 98% of all time-length and determine which value is correct the the 98% maximum. If the time-length is not greater than 100, such as daily mean of a month, the program will get the 100% maximum. As the data length is longer, the value of 98% maximum will lowering.
####2.About the spatial domain
The program will not determine whether the grid location is in the ocean or on the land. Users are suggested to run another program of land_avrg.f, after that, then excute mxavrg again.