kmavrg - sinotec2/CAMx_utility GitHub Wiki


CAMx model outputs are generally in three-dimensional structures, but the satellite observations are in a two-dimensional structure, which results are averaged in the vertical direction. So for comparison purpose, one need to take the averages in the vertical direction.


    kmavrg FILE

File manipulation

kmavrg execution result will produce a file, which name is FILEL, is also CAMx (UAM) file format.

Usage examples

[kuang@master con09]$ ls -lh 1009_bs.avrg.grd01    
-rw-rw-r-- 1 kuang kuang 19G Jun 27 04:57 1009_bs.avrg.grd01    
[kuang@master con09]$ pick 1009_bs.avrg.grd01    
 BEG & END jules:       10243       10273    
 BEG & END dates:      100831      100930    
 BEG & END times:          20          20    
   120.9900       23.61000               0  -124500.0      -205500.0    
   3000.000       3000.000    
   120.9900       23.61000               0  -124500.0      -205500.0    
   3000.000       3000.000              65          65          **15**           2    
           0   10.00000       40.00000      0.0000000E+00    
   1NO   2NO2   3O3   4SO2   5NH3   6PNO3   7PSO4   8PNH4   9POA  10PEC  11FPRM  12CPRM  13CCRS  14FCRS  15SOA1  16SOA2  17SOA3  18SOA4  19SOA5  20SOA6  21NA  22PCL  23PAR  24ETHA  25MEOH  26ETOH  27ETH  28OLE  29IOLE  30ISOP  31TERP  32FORM  33ALD2  34ALDX  35TOL  36XYL  37PRPA  38BENZ  39ETHY  40ACET  41KET
[kuang@master con09]$ ls -lh 1009_bs.avrg.grd01L    
-rw-rw-r-- 1 kuang kuang 1.3G Jul 22 10:01 1009_bs.avrg.grd01L    
[kuang@master con09]$ pick 1009_bs.avrg.grd01L    
 BEG & END jules:       10243       10273    
 BEG & END dates:      100831      100930    
 BEG & END times:          20          20    
   120.9900       23.61000               0  -124500.0      -205500.0    
   3000.000       3000.000    
   120.9900       23.61000               0  -124500.0      -205500.0    
   3000.000       3000.000              65          65           **1**           2    
           0   10.00000       40.00000      0.0000000E+00    
   1NO   2NO2   3O3   4SO2   5NH3   6PNO3   7PSO4   8PNH4   9POA  10PEC  11FPRM  12CPRM  13CCRS  14FCRS  15SOA1  16SOA2  17SOA3  18SOA4  19SOA5  20SOA6  21NA  22PCL  23PAR  24ETHA  25MEOH  26ETOH  27ETH  28OLE  29IOLE  30ISOP  31TERP  32FORM  33ALD2  34ALDX  35TOL  36XYL  37PRPA  38BENZ  39ETHY  40ACET  41KET    


The current version of [kmavrg.f] ( has been edited in parallelized formulation.


File suffix confusion

The suffixes of results from kmavrg and slim are both fileL, which are in two-dimensional data structures also just a single layer of data. But quite different in the meaning of the two programs. The former is a vertical average, and the latter is to take the ground layer data. Fortunately, the satellite data is in a large range manner, also the resolution is low, generally D2(.grd01 in suffixes) as the benchmark. While the latter was a small range of high-resolution, generally D4(with .grd02 in suffixes) as a benchmark. So it does not cause serious confusion.