Gem Armor - sinkillerj/ProjectE GitHub Wiki

Item Name Vanilla
Abyss Helmet Abyss Helmet 29,133,920 Restores health, provides underwater breathing, and permanent night vision (shift+X).
Infernal Armor Infernal Armor 30,950,330 Grants immunity to fire and lava and replenishes hunger.
Gravity Greaves Gravity Greaves 30,258,440 Pulls you to the earth with great speed and repels mobs (shift).
Hurricane Boots Hurricane Boots 28,709,248 Faster movement, slow falling, and immunity to fall damage. Fly without spending EMC like [Ring of Arcana] (double space). Short flight boosts (hold space). Step assist to scale elevation without jumping (X).

Crafting Recipes

Red Matter Helmet Evertide Amulet Soul Stone Abyss Helmet
Klein Star Omega
Red Matter Helmet Volcanite Amulet Body Stone Infernal Armor
Klein Star Omega
Red Matter Helmet Disabled Black Hole Band Gravity Greaves
Klein Star Omega
Red Matter Helmet Swiftwolf's Rending Gale Swiftwolf's Rending Gale Hurricane Boots
Klein Star Omega

What it does

Combining the protective power of the Red Matter Armor with the mystical powers of the Swiftwolf's Rending Gale and Black Hole Band rings; Evertide Amulet and Volcanite Amulet amulets; Body Stone and Soul Stone stones; and Klein Star Omegas to make the ultimate in alchemical protection. This new set of armor grants abilities beyond the sum of the parts.

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