Divining Rod - sinkillerj/ProjectE GitHub Wiki

Item Name Vanilla
What it does Modes
Low Divining Rod Low Divining Rod 12 Combining a common stick with Low Covalence Dust allows you to sense the average EMC in a small area. 3x3x3
Medium Divining Rod Medium Divining Rod 76 Making a new Divining Rod with a higher level of Covalence Dust allows you to detect both the average and the maximum EMC value in a medium sized area. 3x3x3 {default}
High Divining Rod High Divining Rod 1,740 Using the highest form of Covalence Dust your new Divining Rod allows you to detect both the average and the maximum EMC value in a large area. 3x3x3 {default}

Use G to cycle between modes

Crafting Recipes

Low Covalence Dust Low Covalence Dust Low Covalence Dust Low Divining Rod
Low Covalence Dust Stick Low Covalence Dust
Low Covalence Dust Low Covalence Dust Low Covalence Dust
Medium Covalence Dust Medium Covalence Dust Medium Covalence Dust Medium Divining Rod
Medium Covalence Dust Low Divining Rod Medium Covalence Dust
Medium Covalence Dust Medium Covalence Dust Medium Covalence Dust
High Covalence Dust High Covalence Dust High Covalence Dust High Divining Rod
High Covalence Dust Medium Divining Rod High Covalence Dust
High Covalence Dust High Covalence Dust High Covalence Dust
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