Dark Matter Tools - sinkillerj/ProjectE GitHub Wiki

Dark Matter Tools

Vanilla EMC Values

Sword Pickaxe Axe Shovel Hoe Shears Hammer
286,720 434,176 434,176 155,648 294,912 147,456 303,104

Crafting Recipes

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What it does

By upgrading the materials used for your tools, you have discovered another use for dark matter and diamonds! By sticking a couple balls of dark matter to a stick of diamonds, you have created ridiculously expensive items. Although they cost hundreds of thousands of EMC, they are well worth the cost.
Without durability, you can use them to your hearts content.
These tools also enhance your strength so that you can harvest things faster!. Most of the Dark Matter tools have powers in addition to their base tool usage. Below is a list of the abilities for different tools.

Tool Abilities
Pickaxe Right clicking on a vein of ore mines the whole vein.
Sword None
Axe Right clicking on the stump of a tree will cause the trunk to fall.
Shears Same as a vanilla shear
Shovel None
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