Item |
Name |
Vanilla EMC |
Abilities |
Dark Matter Axe |
434,176 |
Right click to turn wood into stripped logs and right click again to harvest instantly. |
Dark Matter Hammer |
303,104 |
Right click to instantly mines blocks based on the charge level (V, shift+V).
- disabled
- 3x3x2
- 5x5x3
Does not mine dirt or gravel. It's also a powerful weapon and can be used as a tool to mine a single block at a time. |
Dark Matter Hoe |
294,912 |
Right click to instantly till dirt on the charge level (V, shift+V).
- 1x1
- 3x3
- 5x5
Dark Matter Pickaxe |
434,176 |
Right click to instantly mine vein of ore. Mines (left click) in the following modes (cycle with G):
- Standard: breaks one block at a time
- 3x tall shot: breaks 3 blocks at once vertically
- 3x wide-shot: breaks 3 blocks at once horizontally
- 3x long-shot: breaks 3 blocks at once in a line in front of you
Dark Matter Shears |
147,456 |
Right click to instantly harvest leaves, wool, and mushrooms (from mooshrooms). The charge level (V, shift+V) controls the area sheared based on charge. |
Dark Matter Shovel |
155,648 |
Right click to instantly turn dirt into path or harvest a layer at a time dirt and sand. Right click on gravel, clay, or snow to instantly harvest the vein. Based on the charge level (V, shift+V).
- disabled/1 block to path
- 3x3
- 5x5
Harvests the normal shovel blocks extremely quickly. |
Dark Matter Sword |
286,720 |
A powerful sword in it's own right by charging it and using activating it (C) the Dark Matter Sword will consume EMC in exchange for a devastating sweep attack. The area of the attack is controlled by charge level (V, shift+V). |
Fashioning new tools from Dark Matter and Diamonds creates indestructible forms of the traditional versions. These powerful new tools enhance allow the alchemist to gather ingredients at a significantly faster rate and provide a new level of protection through offensive power.