Contributor Guidelines - sinkillerj/ProjectE GitHub Wiki

Wiki Contributors

  • williewillus - Head of Lore
  • sinkillerj - Mod team lead
  • Schner1 - Contributor
  • Claycorp - Old wiki
  • vilkarn - Contributor

Writing Guidelines

  • Be accurate
  • Use the New Page Template for new pages
  • Try to convey a feeling of magical lore without being long-winded. If you think technical details are drowned in the lore, bold them so they stand out (see Energy Collectors as an example)
  • DO NOT simply copy or reword information from the Tekkit Classic or EE2 wikis. I repeat: DO NOT copy EE2 information!! Mechanics may have changed unintentionally or intentionally, which leads to....
  • Test the information in-game with the latest version of ProjectE before you write. You can use old EE2 wikis as a guide for what to behavior to look for, but note the behavior with your own observation in ProjectE before writing!
  • When adding images, ensure that it is in a location that will be permanently accessible for a long time

Things that need to be done

Intra-link pages: When everything is done, if a page refers to another item in MC or ProjectE, add a link to it.