Fullscreen & VSync - sinistersnare/libgdx GitHub Wiki

Full-screen & vSync

Checking current setting

To see if full-screen is currently enabled, simply use

boolean fullscreen = Gdx.graphics.isFullscreen();

Set full-screen and vSync

To set full-screen and/or vSync on start-up, specify the corresponding flags in your LwjglApplicationConfiguration:

public static void main(String[] args) {
	LwjglApplicationConfiguration cfg = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration();
	cfg.width = 1280;
	cfg.height = 720;

	// fullscreen
	cfg.fullscreen = true;
	// vSync
	cfg.vSyncEnabled = true;

	new LwjglApplication(new YourApplicationListener(), cfg);

Full-screen cannot be enabled by setting a flag, you have to set a new DisplayMode. To enable/disable full-screen at any given time, use (working on desktop only)

// set resolution to HD ready (1280 x 720) and set full-screen to true
Gdx.graphics.setDisplayMode(1280, 720, true);

// set resolution to default and set full-screen to true
Gdx.graphics.setDisplayMode(Gdx.graphics.getDesktopDisplayMode().width, Gdx.graphics.getDesktopDisplayMode().height, true);

To enable/disable vSync at any given time, use

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