Go - sinherle/Recipes GitHub Wiki

Building Go

These instructions describe how to build the latest development version of the [Go programming language] (https://golang.org/) for Linux on IBM z Systems running SLES 12 or RHEL 7.0 or RHEL 7.1.

NOTE: When following the steps below please use a standard permission user unless otherwise specified.

Building Go for Linux on z Systems is a two-stage process:

  1. Cross-compile the Go bootstrap tool on an Intel/AMD-based machine running an up-to-date version of Linux

  2. Build the Go tool-chain on Linux on z Systems with the bootstrap tool

For more generic information on how the Go bootstrapping process works take a look at this [blog entry] (http://dave.cheney.net/2015/10/16/bootstrapping-go-1-5-on-non-intel-platforms).

Cross-compiling the Go bootstrap tool

To build the Go bootstrap tool you will need to use an Intel/AMD-based machine running an up-to-date version of Linux. This guide has been tested on SLES 12, RHEL 7.0 and RHEL 7.1.

  1. Install the Dependencies

RHEL 7.0/RHEL 7.1

	sudo yum install -y git wget tar gcc


	sudo zypper install -y git wget tar gcc
  1. Create a directory for the amd64 version of the Go tool-chain:

     mkdir $HOME/go1.5.2
     cd $HOME/go1.5.2
  2. Download the amd64 Go tool-chain binary and extract it:

     wget https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/go1.5.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
     tar xvfz go1.5.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
  3. Clone the source code of the z Systems port of Go:

     cd $HOME
     git clone http://github.com/linux-on-ibm-z/go.git
  4. Build the bootstrap tool:

     export GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=$HOME/go1.5.2/go
     cd $HOME/go/src
     GOOS=linux GOARCH=s390x ./bootstrap.bash

The build will place the bootstrap tool in $HOME/go-linux-s390x-bootstrap .

Building the Go tool-chain

To build the Go tool-chain you will need to have successfully built the Go bootstrap tool (see above).

NOTE: If you do not have a home directory that is shared (e.g. via NFS) with the AMD64 machine, then deep copy $HOME/go-linux-s390x-bootstrap to $HOME on the z Systems machine, and clone the source again:

cd $HOME
git clone http://github.com/linux-on-ibm-z/go.git
  1. Install the Dependencies

RHEL 7.0/RHEL 7.1

	sudo yum install -y git gcc


	sudo zypper install -y git gcc
  1. Build the Go tool-chain on z Systems and run all tests.

     export GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=$HOME/go-linux-s390x-bootstrap
     cd $HOME/go/src

NOTE: If most of the tests pass, but not quite all, then the Go tool-chain has probably compiled OK and you can proceed to the next step.

  1. Set up your path to use the new tool-chain. Now you can compile Go programs on Linux on z Systems.

     export PATH=$HOME/go/bin:$PATH