DockerDistribution - sinherle/Recipes GitHub Wiki

Building Docker Distribution

Docker Distribution 2.4.0 can be built and tested on Linux on z Systems (RHEL 7.1, SLES 12 and Ubuntu 16.04) by following these instructions.

General Notes:
i) When following the steps below please use a standard permission user unless otherwise specified.

ii) A directory /<source_root>/ will be referred to in these instructions, this is a temporary writeable directory anywhere you'd like to place it.

Step 1 : Install the Dependencies

Following are the build dependencies for Distribution.

  • git-core (SLES 12) or git (RHEL 7.1, Ubuntu 16.04)
  • Go
  • make

Dependencies Installation Notes:

  • SLES 12

        sudo zypper install -y git-core make
  • RHEL 7

        sudo yum install -y git make
  • Ubuntu 16.04

        sudo apt-get install -y git make golang
  • For RHEL7, SLES12: To install Go, please refer to the Go recipe.

Step 2 : Get the source (checkout v2.4.0 release)
  • Create a distribution directory and clone the source code there.

    	mkdir -p /<source_root>/src/
    	cd /<source_root>/src/
    	git clone
    	cd /<source_root>/src/
    	git checkout v2.4.0
Step 3 : Set environment variable
  • Set DISTRIBUTION_DIR environment variable.

    	export DISTRIBUTION_DIR=/<source_root>/src/
  • Set GOPATH environment variable.

    	export GOPATH=/<source_root>/
    	export GOPATH=$DISTRIBUTION_DIR/Godeps/_workspace:$GOPATH
Step 4 : Build the Binaries
  • Run the below command to build the distribution binaries.

    	make PREFIX=/<source_root>/ clean binaries
Step 5 : Run the Test Suite
  • Issue below command for running testcases.

        make PREFIX=/<source_root>/ test
Step 6 : Start the registry

Docker registry fetches the configuration from cmd/registry/config.yml. The filesystem location at which docker registry stores the images is by default set as /var/lib/registry in config.yml.

  • Copy the config-dev.yml file to config.yml

    	cp $DISTRIBUTION_DIR/cmd/registry/config-dev.yml $DISTRIBUTION_DIR/cmd/registry/config.yml
  • Create directory to store images (if it does not exist)

    	sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/registry
    	sudo chown <user> /var/lib/registry
  • Use the below command to start docker registry

    	/<source_root>/bin/registry serve $DISTRIBUTION_DIR/cmd/registry/config.yml

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