QTL mapping on small chunks using snakemake - single-cell-genetics/limix_qtl GitHub Wiki

Information on snakemake

Chunk file

To run the pipeline on chunks you can use your feature annotation file to create chunking file for the snakemake pipeline.

Below is the R code to create such a chunking file. You can put the numbers of genes per chunk yourself (currently 50).

#### gene annotation
gene_anno = read.delim("/vol/projects/wli/projects/genetics/sw/limix/data/anno.nochr.txt",as.is=T)
testCombinations = NULL
nGenes = 50
startPos = 0
endOffset = 1000000000
for(chr in unique(gene_anno$chromosome)){
  annotationRel = gene_anno[which(gene_anno$chromosome==chr),]
  annotationRel = annotationRel[order(annotationRel$start,annotationRel$end),]
  ##First go through the list to fix genes to they all touch.
  annotationRel$start[1] = startPos
  for(i in 2:nrow(annotationRel)){
    if(i == nrow(annotationRel)){
      annotationRel$end[i] = annotationRel$end[i]+endOffset
    #If "overlapping" than we don't need to do anything.
      distance = (annotationRel$start[i]-annotationRel$end[i-1])/2
      annotationRel$start[i] = ceiling(annotationRel$start[i]-distance)
      annotationRel$end[i-1] = floor(annotationRel$end[i-1]+distance)
  chunks = seq(1, nrow(annotationRel),nGenes)
  #Need to add the last one as a separate entry.
  if(chunks[length(chunks)] < nrow(annotationRel)){
    chunks = c(chunks,(nrow(annotationRel)+1))
  for(i in 1:(length(chunks)-1)){