Doc work and sandbox previews - single-cell-data/TileDB-SOMA GitHub Wiki

  • As tracked on issue 1041, we will be transitioning content rendering to Quarto. Meanwhile, though, we can check rendering using sphinx (for Python) and pkgdown (for R).
  • readthedocs sites:
  • sphinx instructions:
    • cd to the repo base (not apis/python)
    • It won't pick up editable installs. Therefore after each sandbox edit you must do pip uninstall -y tiledbsoma && pip install apis/python
    • Run doc/
    • Open doc/html/index.html
    • (Or, use docs/
    • Iterate
  • pkgdown instructions:
    • cd to apis/r (not the repo base)
    • R CMD INSTALL --no-byte-compile --no-test-load --no-docs --no-html .
    • Within R: pkgdown::build_site()
    • Open docs/index.html
    • Iterate