Sample Code_ Adding a Geographic Coordinate System to a Feature Set - sindizzy/DSW GitHub Wiki

Example Code: Project a Feature Set

This code will take a feature set that does not have any spatial information and applies a geographic coordinate system to the feature set.

Sample code for

Imports DotSpatial.Projections

'Code for defining a geographic coordinate system for a feature set
    Private Sub BbtnDefineGeographicProjection_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BbtnDefineGeographicProjection.Click
        Dim fs As New FeatureSet
        Dim CopyFS As New FeatureSet
        Dim dest As ProjectionInfo

        'Get's the first layer in the Table of Contents
        fs = MapControl.Layers.Item(0).DataSet

        'Copies the selected layer to a new feature set
        'Prevents the original file from being edited
        CopyFS.CopyFeatures(fs, True)

        CopyFS.Projection = fs.Projection

        dest = KnownCoordinateSystems.Geographic.World.WGS1984
        'Adds the geographic coordinate system to the feature set
        CopyFS.Projection = dest
        'Saves the feature set
        CopyFS.SaveAs("C:\Temp\US_Cities_GCS_WGS1984.shp", True)

        MessageBox.Show("The feature was successfully been projected.")

    End Sub
End Class

Sample Code for C#

Imports DotSpatial.Projections

//Code for defining a geographic coordinate system for a feature set
private void btnDefine_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    FeatureSet fs = new FeatureSet();
    FeatureSet CopyFS = new FeatureSet();
    ProjectionInfo dest = default(ProjectionInfo);
    //Get's the first layer in the Table of Contents
    fs = MapControl.Layers.Item(0).DataSet;
    //Copies the selected layer to a new feature set
    //Prevents the original file from being edited
    CopyFS.CopyFeatures(fs, true);
    CopyFS.Projection = fs.Projection;
    dest = KnownCoordinateSystems.Geographic.World.WGS1984;
    //Adds the geographic coordinate system to the feature set
    CopyFS.Projection = dest;
    //Saves the feature set
    CopyFS.SaveAs("C:\\Temp\\US_Cities_GCS_WGS1984.shp", true);
    MessageBox.Show("The feature was successfully been projected.");

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