LAB 7 MEAN app ( Customer CRUD) - sindhusha-t/ASE-Lab-Assignments GitHub Wiki

Customer CRUD application using MEAN


Creating basic CRUD functions for adding, getting, updating, removing customers data using MEAN( MongoDB, express, Angular, NodeJS) frameworks.

Main Objective:


Creating backend API which interacts with MongoDB database and allows to use API functions to get, update, delete and add customer details.


Creating User Interface to access/modify customer data (adding, viewing, updating and deleting operations).

Steps for implementation of above mentioned tasks:

Task-1: Creating Backend API that interacts with MongoDB

  1. Installed the following js file using node package manager npm install express --save
    npm install body-parser --save
    npm install cors --save
    npm install mongoose --save

Installing nodemon to automatically detect any changes in the js files and recompile the backend API files. npm install --save -g nodemon
Make sure that all the dependencies are added in the package.json file.

  1. Implementing the main file( server.js/index.js) Importing the required packages like express, body-parser, MongoDB, cors Connecting to the MongoDB database importing the required database schema models and the routing service js file Telling the js file to listen on port 4000 ( which is the backend API ) Final server.js file source code:

  2. Created the MongoDB database connection config file (db.js)

  3. Created Schema file ( which connects to the collection and updates the documents ) - Customers.js

  4. Running node server or nodemon to listen on port 4000 and successfully connect to the MongoDB database.

Task-2: Creating User Interface and sends requests to the backend api based on the CRUD operation.

  1. Created basic html files for adding, editing, Viewing the list of customer details.
  2. Created customer service file provides functions like 'addCustomer, getCustomer, editCustomer, updateCustomer, deleteCustomer) These functions connect to the localhost on port 4000 and does the required operations connecting to MongoDB
  3. Implemented type script files for all 3 components that use customer service functions to do the required operations.
  4. Running ng serve -o command

User Interface:

  1. Home Page:
  2. Adding Customer Page:
  3. Viewing Customer details:
  4. Updating Customer Details:
  5. Deleting Customer Details:


We have learnt how to create CRUD application using MEAN and how to create API using MongoDB, express and nodejs.

Task responsibilities:

Sindhusha Tiyyagura: Created Backend API that connects to MongoDB and does CRUD operations Pradeepika Kolluru: Created User Interface for the Customer CRUD operations.