LAB 3 Search Recipe App - sindhusha-t/ASE-Lab-Assignments GitHub Wiki
Developing an Angular application for viewing calorie and weight details for a given food item.
- Creating and Validating Login and Register pages using local storage angular functionality.
- Providing details of the food item specified by the user/client using Nutritionix API.
- Spelling out the given food item using text to speech API.
- Created a new project and added bootstrap 4 script link to the index.html page.
- Created login, register, home components.
- Created app routing service and added URL paths for above mentioned components.
- Developed basic Registration and login pages.
- Created local storage service to store registered user details.
- Checking User credentials using local storage functionality.
- Added Validations for registration page ( minlength, email, required )
- Added Validations for login page ( minlength, required , invalid user credentials)
- Developed basic Home page with search recipe functionality along with validation.
- On recipe search, getting the details of food item by using Nutritionix API with Http GET request. ( Created API Keys)
- Created display-recipe-details component to display the calories and serving weight details of the food item.
- Used text-to-speech API to spell out the given food item.
- Added styles(CSS) for all the pages.
2) Registration page with Validation
3) Registration with all details
2) Login with Validation
2) Search Recipe Page:
3) Search with Validation:
- The API URL-2 given in the assignment seems to not work. So we used a different free API service for the functionality to work.
Added following tag in index.html file
<script src=""></script>
Added the following code after the search item click.
responsiveVoice.speak(this.searchRecipeForm.controls.recipeName.value );
We have learnt the following angular concepts: Local Storage functionality, API services, routing service UI Mashup
#Team Details:
Team ID: 6-1
Sindhusha Tiyyagura(24)
Pradeepika Kolluru(12)