API Documentation - sinahub/WebtoolsAPI GitHub Wiki

The format of API's are like the following:

Query all records GET: api/[entityName].

Query one record GET: api/[entityName]/{id}.

Insert record POST: api/[entityName] with the parameters shown in the Entity List.

Update a record PUT: api/organisations/{id} with the parameters shown in the Entity List.

Delete a record DELETE: api/organisations/{id}.

Entity List

Entity Inputs Comments
organisations "name"
branches "name"?, "organisation_id"? At least one of the parameters are mandatory.
staff "name", "branch_id"


GET: api/branches fetches list of branches.

POST: api/organisations?name=Webtools Inserts a new record in organisation table.

POST: api/branches?name=Melbourne&organisation_id=1 Inserts a new record in organisation table.

POST: api/staff?name=John Smith&branch_id=1 Inserts a new record in staff table.

PUT: api/staff/1?name=Jane Smith updates the staff record #1

DELETE api/branches/1 Deletes branch #1 and all of related staff

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