Scripting - simple-entertainment/simplicity GitHub Wiki

Scripting is the main method for including game logic and any other functionality specific to your game.

Scripts are Components!

If you want a script to be executed, just add it to an entity!

std::unique_ptr<Entity> entity(new Entity);
std::unique_ptr<Script> script(new BadGuyScript);

Creating a Script

To create a script just extend Script. The only function that needs to be defined is execute(Entity& entity) which it called every frame but there are also a set of callback functions that you can choose to implement. See the API documentation for details on when they are called.

  • onAddEntity(Entity& entity)
  • onCloseScene(Scene& scene, Entity& entity)
  • onOpenScene(Scene& scene, Entity& entity)
  • onPauseScene(Scene& scene, Entity& entity)
  • onRemoveEntity(Entity& entity, Entity& entity)
  • onResumeScene(Scene& scene, Entity& entity)

Since a script can be shared by multiple entities, the entity the script is currently being run for is passed to the script in every function.

The Scripting Engine

The scripting engine is a simple engine that executes the scripts every frame and calls the callback functions during lifecycle events.

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