Opening Object Property Editor to edit body and Joints - simphysoftwares/SimPHY-docs GitHub Wiki

You can edit properties of the body by opening the property tab from the Preference toolbar.

You can think of a body as the properties of an object that you can see (shape, size, color, orientation, location) and cannot see. Some of the invisible properties are:

  • mass - how heavy it is
  • velocity - how fast and which direction it's moving
  • rotational inertia - how much effort it takes to start or stop spinning
  • angular velocity - how fast and which way it's rotating

You can edit the basic body properties like mass, velocity etc in the Property Panel of the selected body. Similarly, we can also edit the properties of joints like size, color, visibility, end points.

To control body’s motion in particular way, we can use 5 kind of Mass Type in Property Panel as follow,

Normal: The body's linear and angular velocity will be affected by interactions with other bodies.

Infinite: The body's linear and angular velocity are not affected by interactions.

Fixed Linear Velocity: The body's linear velocity remains unaffected.

Fixed Angular Velocity: The body's angular velocity remains unaffected.

X-motion/Y-motion only: The body moves only in X direction or Y direction only.

Body Property Editor