Functions and curves - simphysoftwares/SimPHY-docs GitHub Wiki

Simphy geometry also serves the purpose to learn and play with basic high school calculus with the help of dedicated tools to create explicit, piecewise, parametric and polar functions and letting user to find

  1. Drawing tangent and normals
  2. Point on curve
  3. Local extrema of functions
  4. Roots and intersection of curves

Explicit functions: Here you can add a univariate function of x which allows slider values and simulation time (T) as variables to create highly interactive animatible functions. explicit-demo

Locus: A very interesting and useful tool to create the curve for the locus of a moving point. For example in below gif we are creating the locus of a point that divides two points in k:1 and both the points are moving in a circle. locus-demo

Here you can see a point G is created which is the mid-point of E and F and the locus of point G is plotted as we vary the point F over the circle.

Parametric curve: Here you can create parametric function for the parameter t, when you can specify x and y expressions as the function of t

Polar-coordinates: You can plot curves by giving polar coordinates as well. Just click on the polar function tool and write an expression in t (here t = theta). Watch below gif to get an idea.
