Components - simourgh/zal GitHub Wiki
- protected downloads
- chunk-upload
- batch-upload (zip or multifile-selection)
- supporting different media types: images, audio, video, PDF and multiple file types of text/word processing documents
- autogeneration of display versions/views (thumbnails, sizes, resolutions, clippings, formats, conversions etc.)
while retaining the originally uploaded high-res file - manual management of differents version/views
- using django-iiif
- form widgets/admin changelist widgets (chunk upload, previews of all media types, cropping center)
- intelligent cropping
- pluggable access rights
Base models: Entry/DependentEntry structure- pluggable access rights
Ajax based change form for enterprise models
(alternatively use a REST API and django-angularjs?)- edit form
- display template (see django-formtools.FormPreview)
- fk/m2m-interfaces (as table or list)
- multiple tabs
- wizard (see django-formtools.FormWizard)
django-hierarchies/django-mptt (fork)
Hierarchical data structures
Foreign key and m2m field to a hierarchical model including necessary related queries- complete set of MPTT-queries
- related queries, e.g. all objects related to a tree branch
- django-admin changelist interface (see feincms.TreeEditor)
- form widgets for selection of branches and leafs
- django admin changeform for hierarchical items
- auto-completion service and widgets
Implementation of the iiif API ( -
some access management
- Entry, DependentEntry, Asset
- row- and field-level
- privat / draft / intern / öffentlich
- UI for complex, nested queries
- based on django-filter
- integration into django admin
- save complex queries as dynamically updated working folders
- admin action "multi edit" datensätze auswählen > multi edit mode auswählen > action auswählen > ausführen