How to build app - simonyang81/QDMobile-android GitHub Wiki

This article is based on the Ubuntu Linux 14.04

Install and configure Java environment

Install and configure Android SDK

Android Developer Link:
Use sh android to install android sdk after you download it, you should see the following

Configure SDK environment, may need to install lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32bz2-1.0 lib32stdc++6

Execute adb, you should see the following if the configuration is successfully

Install and configure Android NDK

Android Developer Link:

Execute ndk-build -v to check your NDK configuration, you should see the following

Install dependent packages

You'll need following package you may need to adapt depending to your distribution packages names
subversion git quilt unzip wget swig2.0 python make yasm

The following is screenshot for installing subversion

Clone Code

git clone

  • ActionBarSherlock: is a backward compatible way to use Fragments and Action Bar pattern of android newer versions
  • CSipSimple: The CSipSimple-App source code
  • CSipSimpleBranded
  • CSipSimpleCodecG729
  • CSipSimpleCodecPack
  • CSipSimpleVideoPlugin: The CSipSimple-Video source code

But don’t make when successful, you should do the following

  1. Download

  2. Create folder sources in /jni/silk/

  3. Unzip and copy them to sources

Build native library

Go into source folder
cd /CSipSimple-2470/CSipSimple

Launch make to build the native part of the library and dependancies
sudo make

You should see the following if everything was done correctly

There are some .so files in /CSipSimple-2470/CSipSimple/libs as shown in the picture below

Backup these .so files, then make video
Have to modify jni\pjsip\android_toolchain\pjmedia\ to make

# Ffmpeg codec
BASE_FFMPEG_BUILD_DIR :=  $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../../ffmpeg/build/ffmpeg/$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)/lib  
		$(BASE_FFMPEG_BUILD_DIR)/libavformat.a \
		$(BASE_FFMPEG_BUILD_DIR)/libswscale.a \
# Add X264
BASE_X264_BUILD_DIR :=  $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../../ffmpeg/build/x264/$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)/lib
LOCAL_LDLIBS += $(BASE_X264_BUILD_DIR)/libx264.a

Modify jni\ffmpeg\
Find the line where the mthumb option is set in the EXTRA_CFLAGS variable. You will find it below the following comment

# X264 libs and includes

if [ "$TARGET_ARCH_ABI" == "armeabi-v7a" ] || [ "$TARGET_ARCH_ABI" == "armeabi" ] ; then


The above lines set the mthumb option only when the architecture is armeabi or armeabi-v7a.

Go into source folder
cd /CSipSimple-2470/CSipSimple

Make Video Libs
make VideoLibs

You should see the following if everything was done correctly

You can find and in CSipSimpleVideoPlugin\libs\armeabi-v7a and CSipSimpleVideoPlugin\libs\armeabi folders