Adding a model - simonbe/nexa GitHub Wiki
New models can be added by deriving and extending from any of the existing network objects. Operations that modify the state variables of a network object are called Modifiers (e.g. ProjectionModifer for models of synaptic plasticity). Here we will illustrate it by implementing a winner-take-all function in every column of a columnar population. As we are modifying the values of a population, we derive from a PopulationModifier.
- Define our new class WTA, derived from a PopulationModifier.
class WTA : public PopulationModifier
m_name = "WTA"; // name identifier of our new class
void Simulate(); // overridden from PopulationModifier and called every simulation time step
vector<float> wta(vector<float> data); // the actual winner-take-all function,
// which takes the input vector data and
// returns a vector with a 1 on the position
// of the highest value in data and 0 on
// all other positions
- During a simulation, the object is called each time step in the Simulate function. We extend this to perform a WTA function in each column. To make sure that all values of the column exists on , irrespectivly of how the network has been parallelized on a machine, we call the help function Population::MPI::MakeActivityValuesLocal
void WTA::Simulate()
PopulationColumns* population = (PopulationColumns*)m_population;
vector<int> localHypercolumnIndexes = population->GetLocalHypercolumnIndexes();
population->MPI()->MakeActivityValuesLocal();// make sure all columnar values are local
for(int i=0;i<localHypercolumnIndexes.size();i++)
Hypercolumn* h = (Hypercolumn*)population->GetHypercolumn(i); // retrieve the column from zero-based index
vector<float> data = h->GetValues(); // retrieve all unit activity values for column
data = wta(data); // perform the winner-take-all operation on data
h->SetValues(data); // set the values of all units in the column
- The model can now be used in a network by adding it to a defined columnar population in NetworkSetupStructure.
columnarPopulation->AddPopulationModifier(new WTA());
More example implementations can be found in NetworkPopulationModifier.h/.cpp