CBL API - simon816/Command-Block-Assembly GitHub Wiki
There are several built-in APIs in CBL that cover core features of Minecraft as well as providing utilities for building higher-order types.
The empty type. Only valid for return types.
type int {
bool operator ||(int other);
bool operator &&(int other);
int operator |(int other);
int operator ^(int other);
int operator &(int other);
bool operator ==(int other);
bool operator !=(int other);
bool operator <=(int other);
bool operator >=(int other);
bool operator <(int other);
bool operator >(int other);
int operator <<(int other);
int operator >>(int other);
int operator +(int other);
int operator -(int other);
int operator *(int other);
int operator /(int other);
int operator %(int other);
int operator +();
int operator -();
int operator ~();
int operator !();
int operator ++();
int operator ++(int dummy);
int operator --();
int operator --(int dummy);
Basic 32 signed integer. Operators are the same as C/C++ operators.
type bool {
bool operator ||(bool other);
bool operator &&(bool other);
bool operator !();
Basic boolean type. Internally mapped to int
type decimal {
decimal operator ==(decimal other);
decimal operator !=(decimal other);
decimal operator <=(decimal other);
decimal operator >=(decimal other);
decimal operator <(decimal other);
decimal operator >(decimal other);
decimal operator +(decimal other);
decimal operator -(decimal other);
decimal operator *(decimal other);
decimal operator /(decimal other);
decimal operator %(decimal other);
decimal operator +();
decimal operator -();
Fixed point fractional value. A Q Number with 10 fractional bits.
Represents a string in the compiler. Has no runtime representation. Must be a literal string.
type Maybe<T> {
constructor(T value);
bool isEmpty();
T get();
Maybe<T> operator =(T value);
A generic type that optionally contains type T
. There is no NULL
in CBL, instead, Maybe<T>
can be used to represent an empty value.
Represents a type native to Command IR. Used internally.
type Entity {
__EntityPtr _ptr;
constructor(__EntityPtr ptr);
property EntityPos pos();
property World world();
property RuntimeEntityType type();
Entity operator =(Entity other);
void kill();
SelectorFilter has_tag(string tag);
Represents an in-game entity. Not usually constructed manually (__EntityPtr
is an internal type).
type EntityLocal<T> {
T global;
T operator[](Entity entity);
Represents a variable "local" to an entity i.e. a mapping of entity -> value
. Currently only EntityLocal<int>
is supported.
type EntityPos {
__EntityPtr _ptr;
constructor(__EntityPtr ptr);
property EntityPosComponent x();
property EntityPosComponent y();
property EntityPosComponent z();
vec3d as_vec();
Position of an entity. Can be converted to vec3d
type EntityPosComponent : decimal {
A decimal
backed by an entity position rather than a scoreboard/NBT value.
type EntityCollection {
Entity first();
EntityCollection sortNearest();
type EntityType {
Type of an entity. Represented in the compiler.
Represents a collection of entities.
singleton Entities {
EntityType area_effect_cloud;
EntityType armor_stand;
All vanilla entity types.
type RuntimeEntityType {
__EntityPtr _ptr;
SelectorFilter operator==(EntityType other);
The type of entity represented at runtime.
type SelectorFilter {
A type that represents a filter for a selector. Used in filter (...) { ... }
type vec3<T> {
T x;
T y;
T z;
constructor(T x, T y, T z);
vec3<T> operator *(T scalar);
A 3 dimensional vector of generic type T
Built-in derivative types:
type vec3i is vec3<int>;
type vec3d: vec3<decimal> {
constructor(decimal x, decimal y, decimal z);
vec3i to_int();
type World {
__EntityPtr _ptr;
constructor(__EntityPtr ptr);
void spawn(EntityType type, vec3i pos);
Represents a minecraft world.
type BlockType {
singleton Blocks {
BlockType air;
BlockType stone;
type ItemType {
singleton Items {
ItemType air;
ItemType stone;
type TagEvent {
void fire();
type AdvEvent {
singleton Events {
TagEvent tick = TagEvent("minecraft:tick");
TagEvent load = TagEvent("minecraft:load");
singleton Game {
EntityCollection entities;
async void tick();
type Text {
_IRType _text;
void append_ref(int &ref);
Text operator+=(int val);
Text operator+=(string str);
Text operator<<(int val);
Text operator<<(string str);
Text operator=(Text other);
void send_to_all();