Install Appium ‐ Window - simon-sai/selenium-appium-java GitHub Wiki

Step 1: Install Node.js and NPM

Appium is installed using NPM (Node Package Manager), which comes bundled with Node.js. First, you need to install Node.js if you haven't done so.

  1. Download Node.js:
  • Visit the official Node.js website: Node.js Download Page.
  • Download the LTS (Long Term Support) version for Windows.
  1. Install Node.js:
  • Run the installer you downloaded.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions, and make sure to select the option to Add to PATH (this ensures that Node.js and NPM will be globally available from the command line).
  • After installation, restart your computer if required.
  1. Verify Node.js and NPM installation:
  • Open Command Prompt by pressing Windows + R, typing cmd, and pressing Enter.

  • Run the following commands to verify that Node.js and NPM are installed successfully:


  • These commands will return the installed versions of Node.js and NPM.

Step 2: Install Appium via NPM

Once Node.js is installed, you can install Appium using NPM.

  1. Open Command Prompt:
  • Press Windows + R, type cmd, and press Enter.
  1. Install Appium globally:
  • Run the following command to install Appium globally on your system:

    npm install -g appium

  • The -g flag ensures that Appium is installed globally and can be accessed from any directory.
  1. Verify Appium installation:
  • Once the installation is complete, verify that Appium is installed by running:

    appium -v

  • This will display the version of Appium installed.
  1. Install Driver:
  • Run the following command to install Flutter Integration Driver:

    appium driver install --source npm appium-flutter-integration-driver

  • Run the following command to install UiAutomator2:

    appium driver install uiautomator2

  1. Verify Appium running:
  • By running appium you will see the appium server will start like below: image