Predicted endpoints - simaob/posso-ir-api GitHub Wiki

Endpoint - GET /stores?filter[location]=lat,long&filter[store-type]=store-type

Description - Retrieves the 100 closest stores to the location defined by (lat,long). Filter store-type is optional, if passed it will filter the stores that have the selected type. The available types at the moment are: supermarket, pharmacy, restaurant, gas_station, bank, coffee, kiosk, other, atm, post_office, beach. If the type passed is others (notice plural, and not the available type other), the API will filter out supermarket, pharmacy, restaurant, coffee, beach, and return stores of the remaining types.

Authorization Header - JWT

Response Data - Format: JSONAPI. Attributes: name, location (address + coordinates), timestamp


    "data": [
        "id": "161",
        "type": "stores",
        "attributes": {
            "name": "Continente Cedofeita",
            "group": "Continente",
            "address": "Rua de Cedofeita, 4000, Porto",
            "coordinates": [2.2323, 1.2323],
            "capacity": 150,
            "details": "Aberto das 8 às 20, excepto aos fins-de-semana"  

Endpoint - GET /random-stores?filter[location]=lat,long&filter[store-type]=store-type

Description - This endpoint works exactly like the /stores one, but randomizes attributes of the stores. Filtering still works the same.

Authorization Header - JWT

Response Data - Format: JSONAPI. Attributes: name, location (address + coordinates), timestamp


    "data": [
        "id": "161",
        "type": "stores",
        "attributes": {
            "name": "Continente Cedofeita",
            "group": "Continente",
            "address": "Rua de Cedofeita, 4000, Porto",
            "coordinates": [2.2323, 1.2323],
            "capacity": 150,
            "details": "Aberto das 8 às 20, excepto aos fins-de-semana"  

Endpoint - GET /stores/:id

Description - Retrieves a single store

Response Data - Format: JSONAPI. Attributes: Same as before, but with only one element


        "id": "161",
        "type": "stores",
        "attributes": {
            "name": "Continente Cedofeita",
            "group": "Continente",
            "address": "Rua de Cedofeita, 4000, Porto",
            "coordinates": [2.2323, 1.2323],
            "capacity": 150,
            "details": "Aberto das 8 às 20, excepto aos fins-de-semana"  

Endpoint - GET /status-crowdsources?filter[store_id]=1,2,3,4,5,6

Description - Retrieves a list of of status for the stores listed.

Response Data - Format: JSONAPI. Attributes: status, queue_status, updated_time, valid_until


    "data": [
        "id": "161",
        "type": "status-crowdsources",
        "attributes": {
            "status": 5,
            "queue_status": 0,
            "updated-time": "2020-03-18 11:00",
            "valid-until": "2020-03-18 11:30" 

Endpoint - POST /status-commitment-users

Description - Notifies the server that the user is planning on going to a specific store

Request Data - JSONAPI format. Timestamp, expected time to go, expected visit duration

Request Example

        "type": "status-commitment-users",
        "attributes": {
            "store-id": 1,
            "posted-at": "2020-03-18 10:30",
            "start-at": "2020-03-18 11:00",
            "duration": 20

Authorization Header - JWT

Response Data - Format: JSONAPI. Attributes: Store.

Endpoint - POST /status-crowdsource-users

Description - Notifies the server of the current status of the store

Request Data - JSONAPI format. Timestamp, value (0-10, 0: empty, 10: full)

Request Example

        "type": "status-crowdsource-users",
        "attributes": {
            "store-id": 1,
            "status": 5,
            "queue": 0,
            "posted-at": "2020-03-18 11:00"

Authorization Header - JWT

Response Data - Format: JSONAPI. Attributes: Store.

Endpoint - GET /stores

Key header- StoreOwnerCode

Description - Returns the stores the user manages

Response Example

    "data": [
        "id": "161",
        "type": "stores",
        "attributes": {
            "name": "Continente Cedofeita",
            "group": "Continente",
            "address": "Rua de Cedofeita, 4000, Porto",
            "coordinates": [2.2323, 1.2323],
            "capacity": 150,
            "details": "Aberto das 8 às 20, excepto aos fins-de-semana"  

Endpoint - POST /status-store-owners

Key header- StoreOwnerCode

Description - Set the status for the store owner

Request Data - JSONAPI format. Timestamp, value (0-10, 0: empty, 10: full)

Request Example

        "type": "status-store-owners",
        "attributes": {
            "store-id": 1,
            "status": 5,
            "queue": 0,
            "posted-at": "2020-03-18 11:00"

Authorization Header - JWT

Response Data - Format: JSONAPI. Attributes: Store.


Endpoint - POST /register

Authorization header- JWT

Description - Registers a new user

Request Data - JSONAPI format.

Request Example

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "name": "derp",
      "email":"[email protected]",
      "checkbox-deco": true,
      "checkbox-terms": true,
      "checkbox-privacy": true

Response Data

{message: "User created successfully"} status: 201

Endpoint - POST /login

Authorization header- JWT

Description - Logs in a user

Request Data - JSONAPI format.

Request Example

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "email":"[email protected]",

Response Data - Format: JSONAPI. Attributes: Favorites.

    "data": [
            "id": "2",
            "type": "favorites",
            "attributes": {
                "store-id": 126358,
                "user-id": 24

Endpoint - POST /logout

Authorization header- JWT

Description - Logs out the user

Request Data - JSONAPI format.

Request Example

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "email":"[email protected]"

Response Data

{message: "user logged out"} status: 200


Endpoint - GET /favorites

Authorization header- JWT

Description - Returns the list of favorites for the user that made the request

Request Data - JSONAPI format.

Response Data - Format: JSONAPI. Attributes: Favorites.

    "data": [
            "id": "1",
            "type": "favorites",
            "attributes": {
                "store-id": 126368,
                "created-at": "2020-06-29T10:19:57.971Z"
            "id": "2",
            "type": "favorites",
            "attributes": {
                "store-id": 126358,
                "created-at": "2020-06-29T10:20:52.797Z"

Endpoint - POST /favorites

Authorization header- JWT

Description - Adds a new favorite to user's list of favorites

Request Data - JSONAPI format.

Request Example

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "store-id": 1

Response Data - Format: JSONAPI. Attributes: Favorite.

    "data": {
        "id": "1",
        "type": "favorites",
        "attributes": {
            "store-id": 126368,
            "user-id": 24

Endpoint - DELETE /favorites/:id

Authorization header- JWT

Description - Deletes the favorite with id :id of the requester.

Request Data - JSONAPI format.

Response Data - No content on the response.

External API

Endpoint - POST /status-phone

Authorization header- JWT

Description - Set the status for the store owner (sent through an external API)

Request Data - JSONAPI format. Timestamp, value (0-10, 0: empty, 10: full)

Request Example

    "phone": "00351912345678",
    "status": 0

Response Data

{message: "Added status for store: #{}"}