Data types - silviucpp/erlcass GitHub Wiki

The following table describes the correspondence of Cassandra column types with their equivalent Erlang types:

Cassandra Column Type Erlang types Examples
ascii binary or string <<"hello">> or "hello"
varchar binary or string <<"hello">> or "hello"
text binary or string <<"hello">> or "hello"
bigint integer (signed 64-bit) 9223372036854775807
timestamp integer (signed 64-bit) 9223372036854775807
counter integer (signed 64-bit) 9223372036854775807
time integer (signed 64-bit) 86399999999999
blob binary <<1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10>>
varint binary <<"12423423423423423423243432432">>
boolean true, false true
decimal {Unscaled :: binary(), Scale :: integer()} {<<"1234">>, 5}
double float (signed 64-bit) 5.1235131241221e-6
float float (signed 32-bit) 5.12351e-6
tinyint integer (signed 8-bit) 127
smallint integer (signed 16-bit) 32767
int integer (signed 32-bit) 2147483647
date integer (unsigned 32-bit) 2147483648
uuid binary <<"61c16fb1-44ca-4591-9317-ac96ddbd8694">>
varint binary <<"1928301970128391280192830198049113123">>
timeuuid binary <<"076a46c0-0ad7-11e5-b314-3d7bf89b87a1">>
inet binary <<"">>
tuple erlang tuple {<<"aaa">>, 1}
udt proplist [{<<"key">>, <<"value">>}]

In order to generate a uuid v4 you can use erlcass_uuid:gen_random() for uuid v1 you can use erlcass_uuid:gen_time().

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️