State - sikaeducation/vue-curriculum GitHub Wiki

State in Vue components is held in a property called data:

  <div v-unless="error">
    <p :class="{ active: isActive}">{{ count }}</p>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      count: 1,
      error: null,
      isActive: true
  methods: {
    logState() {
      console.log("The values in state are:", this.count, this.error, this.isActive)

Note that data is set to a function that returns an object. This is different than computed and methods, which are set to objects. This is really easy to forget!

Some notes on state:

  • If something never changes, it's not state. Return static values from computed properties instead.
  • State in one component may be passed into another component as props
  • State values are accessed with this in scripts, but don't require the this prefix in templates
  • Vue doesn't require anything special to set state like in React. You can assign new values directly, but you should only do it within the same component the state is kept in.

Look Out

Property names in state share the same namespace as computed properties and methods. This will error out:

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      message: "",
  computed: {
    message() {},
  methods: {
    message() {},
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