Show vs. Render - sikaeducation/vue-curriculum GitHub Wiki

Official Vue docs on v-show

When you do conditional logic with v-if/v-else or make dynamic lists with computed properties, DOM elements are added and removed as different conditions are met:

<ul class="video-list">
    v-for="video in displayedVideos"
    <VideoListing :video="video" />

Adding and removing stuff in the DOM is relatively expensive though, and this is especially true with large lists. One way to improve performance is to use v-show:

<ul class="video-list">
    v-for="video in allVideos"
    <VideoListing :video="video" />

This keeps all of the elements in the DOM, but toggles their visibility with CSS (display: none;). This results in a massive improvement in how quickly the list can render. Note that initial render times are slower with v-show, so conditional logic may still be better if the list isn't likely to change much after render.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️