Events - sikaeducation/vue-curriculum GitHub Wiki

Official Vue docs on event handling

In templates

You attach event handlers in Vue with the @ syntax:

  <button @click="handleClick"></button>

export default {
  methods: {
      // Behavior

Like binding, this has a longer syntax: v-on:click="handleClick". The syntaxes are otherwise equivalent, and you should always use the @ syntax. Note that unlike React, you can attach listeners to HTML elements and components.

Passing in arguments

In addition to giving the event a method, you can alternately invoke the method and pass in any other arguments you want:

    <li v-for="item in list" :key="">
      <button @click="handleClick(item)"></button>

export default {
  methods: {
      // Behavior

If you need to pass something in and have access to the original event, you can pass in the special $event argument:

  <button @click="handleClick"></button>
  <button @click="handleClick($event)"></button> // Same as above
  <button @click="handleClick($event, item)"></button> // With other arguments
  <button @click="handleClick(item, $event)"></button> // Position isn't important

Types of events

All normal DOM events have Vue equivalents:

There are also built-in modifiers for common tasks:

  <form @submit.prevent="formHandler"></form>       // Adds `event.preventDefault()`
  <buton @click.stop="buttonHandler">Click</button> // Adds `event.stopPropagation()`
  <buton @click.self="buttonHandler">Click</button> // Only fires if this element fired the event, not a child

Custom Events

You can also fire custom events from components with this.$emit:

  <button @click="addNew">New</button>

export default {
  name: "NewButton",
  methods: {
    addNew() {
      this.$emit("add-new", "Any parameters", { you: "want" })

  <new-button @add-new="addNew" />

export default {
  name: "ItemForm",
  methods: {
    addNew(someString, someObject) {
      // Whatever

This is the primary way you communicate from child components to parent components.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️