Dynamic Components - sikaeducation/vue-curriculum GitHub Wiki

Sometimes the type of component you're rendering is determined dynamically. There's a special built-in component called (fittingly) <component />. It takes an :is attribute binding that determines the name of the component it will render:

  <component :is="dynamicComponentName" />

import ComponentOne from './ComponentOne'
import ComponentTwo from './ComponentTwo'
import ComponentThree from './ComponentThree'

export default {
  components: {
  computed: {
    dynamicComponentName() {
      return "ComponentTwo"

Common Patterns

Grouping Props

You can pass props into a dynamic component, but you can easily run into a situation where different components need different props:


You can abstract these into a single "data" prop that has different shapes:

  <component :is="componentName" :data="currentComponentPropsData" />

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      componentName: "ComponentTwo",
  computed: {
    currentComponentPropsData() {
      const props = {
        ComponentOne: {
          message: "Hi!",
        ComponentTwo: {
          heading: "Welcome!",

      return props[this.componentName]

Look Out

  • Watch the capitalization! <component /> is the built-in, not <Component />.
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