1 way Binding - sikaeducation/vue-curriculum GitHub Wiki

Data can be passed from a parent component to a child component, and whenever the data changes in the parent it will rerender the child.

// ParentComponent.vue

  <ChildComponent :someProp="someState" />
  <Button @click="() => someState += 1"> Increment</Button>

import ChildComponent from "./ChildComponent"

export default {
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      someState: 1,

// ChildComponent.vue
  <p>{{ someProp }}</p>

export default {
  props: {
    someProp: Number,

Look Out!

It's called 1-way binding for a reason! In the example above, pressing the button changes the state, and that state change is reflected down through the props. We can't also have a button in the child that changes the state in the parent. If a child component needs to change state in its parent, it needs to do it through events. State changes need to happen in the same place the state is held.


  1. Make a component that keeps track of a count in state
  2. Add a button that increments the counter
  3. Make a second component that will display the current count
  4. Pass the current count into the count display as a prop


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