- siizuka/Web-Based-POP3-Service-C- GitHub Wiki

Web Based POP3 Service Version4.63

                                     2002.04.07  IIZUKA Shinji
                                     ([email protected])


Web Based POP3 Service(wbpop.cgi) - Web based POP3 client


Web Based POP3 Service is a POP3 clinent CGI program.
Using this, you can retrieve/delete your mail outside firewall
from your machine inside firewall.Both normal POP3 and APOP 
protocol are aviable.

This program can "view all mails", "view all headers of mails",
"view mails you indicate","delete your mail".

Using dump mode,displays bulk content of mailbox, you can
download and save the result of this service and get attach
files with a help of your mail software.


This progarm require the environment following:

- Host machine i.e:
  Solaris 2.5, 2.6,
  SunOS 5.1,
  Windows95 with Cygnus gcc
- C compiler with socket library in general UNIX-syntax
  (i.e. gcc). Winsock is NOT aviable.
- HTTP server i.e.

Content of Archive

wbpop_4.63-+- source ---+- wbpop.c source program | | | +- md5.c MD5 library(RFC1321) | | | +- md5.h MD5 header file | | (RFC1321) | +- makefile makefile,so-called | +- doc.jis --+- readme.jis.txt Japanese readme | | | +- install_wbpop.jis.txt Japanese install guide | | | +- man-wbpop-jis.html Japanese manual(html) | +- doc.sjis ---- (same as doc.jis) | +- doc.eucj --- (same as doc.jis) | +- readme.txt This file | +- install_wbpop.txt Install guide | +- man-wbpop.html Operation manual


see install_wbpop.txt.


  IIZUKA  Shinji([email protected])


  Since this is _POP3_ client, IMAP4 is NOT aviable.

  This program resets connection of your mail server on each 
  request from blower, so you may retrieve/delete incorrect
  mail when other person (or process) delete mail(s) on your
  server between your first request and second one.

  Attach file NOT aviable(attach files are viewed as a part of
  mail itself). Use "Dump mode" and your mailer to get attach
  files from your mail.


 MD5 library is based on sample source of RFC1321("The MD5 
 Message-Digest Algorithm"). See RFC to check out the condition
 for use of md5.*

 The copyright of this progarm Except the md5 library belong to
 IIZUKA Shinji.

 You admired to use/transplant this progarm for non-exclusive and
 non-commercial use. This progarm is provided free of charge for 
 aforementioned use.

 Any commercial use of this script without admmition of author is
 prohibited. "Commercial use" includes exhibiting this program for
 fee or use as banner site. Mail me([email protected])
 if you intend to use this script on commercial use.

 This program was tested, but this NOT means that this script
 includes no bugs. This program is served "AS IS" bases,so you must
 be chargeable to the entire risk of this program(i.e. the quality
 and/or performance).

 Formal document of all conditions is readme.sjis.txt,Japanese text.
 If there is/are mismatch(s) between readme.sjis.txt and this document,
 readme.sjis.txt is token precedence over this document.

------------------------- END OF DOCUMENT ------------------------------