Guatemala Tax Declaration Reports - sihaysistema/gtm-tax GitHub Wiki

The purpose of this application is to enable ERPNext to automatically generate tax declaration reports for compliance with Guatemalan Tax Laws.

This application is under early development, with the ultimate goal to completely automate the preparation of Tax declarations and reduce time invested in preparing them.

Usually, tax declarations depend on categorizing certain expenses or income during a period of time (Monthly, Quarterly), then combining them (or accumulating in some cases) to yield a "base amount" for the declaration. Once the declaration has been filled, it usually generates either a payment obligation or a tax credit in some cases.

The ideal workflow at the end of development would be:

  1. User finishes entering purchase invoices, sales invoices, bank entries, journal entries before a specific date. (Usual workflow)
  2. User creates a new declaration. Declaration is automatically filled out, save for specific manual entries that might be required by some declarations.
  3. User validates the declaration.
  4. Declaration is sent vía webservice to the tax authority
  5. A response is received with either error messages or a confirmation code, document, etc.
  6. Response is stored, along with any files received
  7. In cases where payment is required, a payment entry is created. In cases where a journal entry is required, a journal entry is generated.
  8. Process is complete for the period.

Users should be able to check in a general ERP dashboard their compliance status, to quickly glance tax compliance as of a specific date.

With ERPNext v10.1.77, the workflow to send a correct monthly declaration (e.g. Sales Tax or IVA) takes approximately two hours of work. This application aims to reduce the time spent on this to 10 minutes when done directly vía a webservice.

Phase 1: Development and testing of manual declarations - 6 months Phase 2: Fine tuning. Complete DocTypes for Declarations with draft and valid status. Permit user to print the declaration. User must still enter the data manually in the SAT website, and response data back in the DocType - 2 months Phase 3: Webservice enabled for sending declarations - 4 months Expected application complete date: December 31, 2019