Measurement module for online documentation - sigspl/qa.documentation.labelservice GitHub Wiki
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This software module performs data analysis of scraped web pages of the FIWARE Catalogue to assess their compliance with the Compliance Guide.
Information across component lifecycle
Development environment
- Ubuntu, for Java coding Windows as well
- Eclipse IDE
- JDK 1.8
Run in a development environment
- Checkout this repository
- Navigate to the class and execute it via Eclipse IDE
Deploy dockerized microservice
- run, this should build a Docker image and start the service container (default port 9009)
- validate service: run
Software architecture considerations
Currently, this software module uses the local text file items.json as input. However, the module has Jersey packaging and needs to have a REST interface to exchange data. Currently, we work on the core measurment logic. This module is also thought to be a template for measurements of other types.
RESTful API (in work)
- GET /update Update internal data representation from the scraper service
- GET log/ENABLER-NAME gets logfile for latest measurment (TXT)
- GET scoring gets overall labeling score matrix with labels (CSV) as displayed here
- GET label/ENABLER-NAME gets just the computed label token for a given Enabler e.g. "A+++"
Interface with the Scraper module
From the Scraper module, this service acquires on start the recent version of scraped data.