Tile Object - siggame/MegaMinerAI-13 GitHub Wiki

Represents a grid cell

This object contains

  • id - A unique ID to identify this tile. This represents the index of this tile in the tile array. Can be calculated from the tile's x and y with the formula: (x * mapHeight + y)
  • x - The x position of the tile (0 is farthest left, mapWidth - 1 farthest right)
  • y - The y position of the tile (0 is farthest up, mapHeight - 1 farthest down)
  • owner - The owner of the droid that will drop here (or 2 if nothing is dropping here)
  • turnsUntilAssembled - The number of turns until the drop lands
  • variantToAssemble - The variant id of the droid that will land
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