Software Information - siemens/evaluation-framework GitHub Wiki
External Dependencies
EvaluationFramework, EvaluationFrameworkROS, EvaluationFrameworkUnity and EvaluationFrameworkROSUnity require:
- Newtonsoft Json.NET (MIT License)
EvaluationFrameworkROS additionally requires:
- RosBridgeClient of the open source library ROS# (Apache 2.0 License)
Software Version Requirements
The Evaluation Framework was developed and tested with the following software versions:
- EvaluationFrameworkUnity and EvaluationFrameworkROSUnity were tested with Unity Version 2019.3.3f1 and Newtonsoft Json.NET 12.0.3
- EvaluationFramework and EvaluationFrameworkROS were developed with .NET Core 3.1.300 and Visual Studio 2019, 16.6.0, both were tested with Newtonsoft Json.NET 12.0.3
- EvaluationFrameworkROS was successfully used with ROS# Version 1.6, Release of 12-20-2019 alongside ROS Kinetic
- VisualizationGUI was implemented and tested in Python 3.7.7, using tkinter 8.6, pandas 1.0.3, NumPy 1.18.1 and Matplotlib 3.1.3
Platform Support
- The Evaluation Framework was developed for Windows and has not yet been tested on other platforms.