Execution and Evaluation - siemens/evaluation-framework GitHub Wiki

Execution and Evaluation

This component of the Evaluation Framework simulates the previously built Unity executable for all combinations of predefined EvaluationParamters, retrieves the ObjectiveValues and stores the results in a .txt-file.

  • Navigate to the EvaluationFramework folder of the repository
  • Either use the built of the Visual Studio solution from this Release or open the solution file EvaluationFramework.sln in Visual Studio and build the project yourself in Release configuration (if you built in Debug configuration, you have to adapt the code of the Python GUI)
  • Open the command line and launch the executable of the .NET solution by typing (NameOfTheEvaluationToSimulate is the previously specified name when defining the evaluation space, in this case DemonstrationEvaluation):
bin\Release\netcoreapp3.1\EvaluationFramework.exe -evaluationName [NameOfTheEvaluationToSimulate]
  • Doing so automatically creates a list of all combinations of EvaluationParamters (in this case 150 combinations) and simulates the Unity executable for every combination
  • The component utilizes all CPU cores of the underlying hardware to optimally distribute the sequence of simulations and reach 100% CPU occupancy
  • After all simulations are finished, a new folder Results containing a .txt-file Results.txt was created inside the folder of the current evaluation (EvaluationFramework\Evaluations\DemonstrationProject\Results\Results.txt) containing the values of all ObjectiveValues for all simulated combinations of EvaluationParamters
  • Feel free to manually have a look at the file to understand how the results are created and how this component works

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© Siemens AG, 2020

Author: Michael Dyck ([email protected])